Well, I haven't posted in months...again! That is because I have been extremely busy and preoccupied. Our house finally sold and the 6 weeks in between accepting the offer and closing was crazy. More to come on that as soon as I remember all the God moments that happened, lets just say, it's a miracle we are in a new house!
As we approach the Christmas season, lets all remember to actually say "Merry Christmas." No matter who you are talking to and no matter who it offends, we celebrate Christmas for one reason and one reason only...Jesus! I am sure if he wasn't born, humans would have come up with another crazy holiday to celebrate. We have to remind people, especially in today's self centered world what the holiday is all about. Even if that means doing little things...paying for the coffee for the person behind you, letting the person behind you go first to pay because they have less items, or even donating a little extra to help teach the next generation to give.
Not to brag or say you have to do this...but my family and I have started a "mission jar." Back in the summer when Silena was in VBS she brought home a piece of paper saying $.07/day would feed a starving child here in America! Isn't that crazy? I approached my husband and we both thought it was a great idea to start that. So every week, usually Sunday night, we all get together $.50 put it in the jar and then we all pray over it! Then around Christmas we will decide all together to donate it to someone or a charity. There was about two months, late summer and early fall, where we just completely forgot and then we finally remembered we owed the jar $16.00! Between the change I had, Silena had and Craig had...we found exactly the right amount to put in the jar, I love when that kind of thing happens! I love when God shows up right at the right moment...Silena still talks about that.
My point is this, find small ways to teach each other and especially the next generation that Christmas is truly about the Savior and not what you get:)
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Pride got in the way!
Pride is defined as the quality or state of being proud. It is something that God sees as a sin, but as humans it's something that comes up when we are overconfident and don't think we need help! Let me explain:
As I am training for my 3rd half marathon, I decided to register for a 10 mile race this past weekend to help me get prepared. My dad, who has been running for years, had me tapering my mileage last week and just resting to prepare my body for this long run. I have run this distance before and I had checked the weather all week...sunny! So my body was rested, and the weather was SUPPOSED to be sunny, however, all week I felt tension in my knees but just brushed it off and said they will be fine.
Here comes race day, we left on time and hit some rain on the way to Marshfield, it was nothing I was worried about and by the time we got to the race it had stopped. I get dressed and put the brace on one of my knees and get my ipod prepared, I am set. I kiss the family good bye and head to the start line...we sing the star spangled banner and guess what? Yep, you guessed it! Rain...first lightly and by the time the gun went off it was pouring. I was soaking wet by mile 1, good thing I had a running hat on so at least the rain was staying out of my face.
So remember this is a 10 mile run...I have 9 miles left! Soaking wet:P Then because I was wet, by the time, I got to mile 6 I was cold and my knees and hips started to give me pain. Remember the tension I felt in my knees? Yep, should've gone to see the chiropractor...but that darn pride! So I was wet, cold, in extreme pain, and it was still raining. This is miserable, I thought. I started praying like crazy and by the time I got to mile 8 the sun started peaking out and the strength I felt was very refreshing. I had to walk run the last two miles because I knew my hips were out. As I approached the finish line my legs felt like they were going to fall off...but my family was there and they gave me the motivation to run into the finish. Well, I finished in a very decent time...1 hour and 45 minutes. Not what I wanted for time, but for the conditions it was not bad!
Now, when I got the results I realized there was 76 people(who actually showed up and ran) the 10 miler...what place did I get? 71st out of 76..ouch! This is where my pride got a kick in the pants, if I would've gone into get an adjustment like my gut was telling me...I wouldn't have been one of the last people across the finish.
God doesn't want us to have pride because he WANTS to help us! He wants to lend us a hand and if we get too much in control and overconfident he will be like any parent and let us learn our own lesson. He is there to lend a hand and as his children we need to accept his help and realize there is nothing we can do in this life without him....lesson learned:)
As I am training for my 3rd half marathon, I decided to register for a 10 mile race this past weekend to help me get prepared. My dad, who has been running for years, had me tapering my mileage last week and just resting to prepare my body for this long run. I have run this distance before and I had checked the weather all week...sunny! So my body was rested, and the weather was SUPPOSED to be sunny, however, all week I felt tension in my knees but just brushed it off and said they will be fine.
Here comes race day, we left on time and hit some rain on the way to Marshfield, it was nothing I was worried about and by the time we got to the race it had stopped. I get dressed and put the brace on one of my knees and get my ipod prepared, I am set. I kiss the family good bye and head to the start line...we sing the star spangled banner and guess what? Yep, you guessed it! Rain...first lightly and by the time the gun went off it was pouring. I was soaking wet by mile 1, good thing I had a running hat on so at least the rain was staying out of my face.
So remember this is a 10 mile run...I have 9 miles left! Soaking wet:P Then because I was wet, by the time, I got to mile 6 I was cold and my knees and hips started to give me pain. Remember the tension I felt in my knees? Yep, should've gone to see the chiropractor...but that darn pride! So I was wet, cold, in extreme pain, and it was still raining. This is miserable, I thought. I started praying like crazy and by the time I got to mile 8 the sun started peaking out and the strength I felt was very refreshing. I had to walk run the last two miles because I knew my hips were out. As I approached the finish line my legs felt like they were going to fall off...but my family was there and they gave me the motivation to run into the finish. Well, I finished in a very decent time...1 hour and 45 minutes. Not what I wanted for time, but for the conditions it was not bad!
Now, when I got the results I realized there was 76 people(who actually showed up and ran) the 10 miler...what place did I get? 71st out of 76..ouch! This is where my pride got a kick in the pants, if I would've gone into get an adjustment like my gut was telling me...I wouldn't have been one of the last people across the finish.
God doesn't want us to have pride because he WANTS to help us! He wants to lend us a hand and if we get too much in control and overconfident he will be like any parent and let us learn our own lesson. He is there to lend a hand and as his children we need to accept his help and realize there is nothing we can do in this life without him....lesson learned:)
Friday, June 7, 2013
Summer Ideas!
Well, stay at home moms...our hardest three months is upon us. The 2012-2013 school year has come to a close and not summer vacation is here! If your children are like Silena she wants to be outside and not stuck inside like it's the middle of winter....so here are some of the ideas I came up with to keep her and the little one busy during the summer:
1. I bought a treasure chest type box from Wal-mart and am working on putting some fun activities in their that can only be played with on rainy days(art projects, crayons and markers, and new books).
2. I also came up with a bunch of "rainy day" field trips that we could take that doesn't cost a lot of money and they are in an envelope. If we decide that we need to take a field trip then we reach in their and pick one out without looking and it's a surprise!
3. I also have another envelope with a bunch of fun big activities that we can do at home(build a tent and fake fire with smores, go play in the rain, hide and seek, game day, movie afternoon, etc.). We would reach in their without looking again and it would be another surprise.
4. The other thing I do with her, and I have done this since she was 2, is summer school. I choose not to send her to summer school, but I do it with her at home. I choose what is done and then I will also throw in some educational field trips as well. A faith lesson is also included in this!
5. The last thing I do is have a schedule. I know not everybody likes a schedule but I think it helps kids not to get bored. If their activities are switched and then it works different parts of the brain as well.
This won't work for everybody, but these are just some things I came up with...not only to help keep the kids stimulated, but it keeps me from getting bored as well:) Happy Summer everyone!
1. I bought a treasure chest type box from Wal-mart and am working on putting some fun activities in their that can only be played with on rainy days(art projects, crayons and markers, and new books).
2. I also came up with a bunch of "rainy day" field trips that we could take that doesn't cost a lot of money and they are in an envelope. If we decide that we need to take a field trip then we reach in their and pick one out without looking and it's a surprise!
3. I also have another envelope with a bunch of fun big activities that we can do at home(build a tent and fake fire with smores, go play in the rain, hide and seek, game day, movie afternoon, etc.). We would reach in their without looking again and it would be another surprise.
4. The other thing I do with her, and I have done this since she was 2, is summer school. I choose not to send her to summer school, but I do it with her at home. I choose what is done and then I will also throw in some educational field trips as well. A faith lesson is also included in this!
5. The last thing I do is have a schedule. I know not everybody likes a schedule but I think it helps kids not to get bored. If their activities are switched and then it works different parts of the brain as well.
This won't work for everybody, but these are just some things I came up with...not only to help keep the kids stimulated, but it keeps me from getting bored as well:) Happy Summer everyone!
Monday, May 27, 2013
Aha moment!
It's amazing what can happen when you get a bunch of ladies together on a Sunday night! I have been saved for almost 12 years and NEVER have I felt the holy spirit to be in one place more than I did last night. Wow, is all I can say! I have never felt so touched nor convicted then I did last night when I left bible study.
We are studying the book of Ephesians, which shows us how we should act and how we should speak on a daily basis! How many of us gossip, talk bad about our spouse behind their back, despise a neighbor or give into the politics at our job? In our bible study we were mainly on Chapter 4 and verse 25-32 really just came alive to me. Kind of like an aha! moment...
We are studying the book of Ephesians, which shows us how we should act and how we should speak on a daily basis! How many of us gossip, talk bad about our spouse behind their back, despise a neighbor or give into the politics at our job? In our bible study we were mainly on Chapter 4 and verse 25-32 really just came alive to me. Kind of like an aha! moment...
Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor for we are all members of one body. In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold. He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands that he may have something to share with those in need. Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
In my opinion these are the things he expects from us....
1. He expects us to speak in truth and love on a daily basis to whomever he places in our path
2. He expects us to only say things that breathe life into the people we love, and don't love, to build them up
3. He expects us to NOT sin in our anger...including saying or doing things we disagree with others.
4. He expects us to be kind and compassionate to everyone, because even though we may not understand it he LOVES everyone! No matter what their story is.
It just makes you think doesn't it? Now of course, we all fall short of this perfection God expects and we can only hope to achieve a fraction of these things... but the cool part is he loves us despite our imperfections! Thank goodness for the price he paid for each one of us...just gives us a taste of the mercy and grace he has:)
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
30 isn't so bad!
As cliche as this is going to sound, your 20's is really about finding out who you are...trying different things, exploring who you are, finding out what you do and don't like and really figuring out your faith. I turned 30 last year and finally feel like I am settling into adulthood and am comfortable with being who I am...a strong Christian women, wife, runner, dance instructor and a devoted mom! I love who I am, who I have become and who God has shaped me to be. I don't think I would be ready for this point in my life "the waiting room of life" without the last 10 years of exploration.
I got saved about 2 months before Craig and I started dating...so in the last 11, almost 12 years that I have been a Christian, God has put several different women in my life, to help shape and mold me into who he wants me to be. As sad as I am that I don't stay in touch with some of those women anymore, God used them to change me and make me into who I am! Of course, I know God isn't done teaching me nearly what he wants to, is he ever?
I got asked a very interesting question a couple of weeks ago by one of those women: What are my passions? Besides, running, dance, being a mom, and a wife...what are the things that really get me excited. I have spent some time really thinking about it and exploring what makes my heart happy. I have come to two conclusions: reading and writing. I have always loved to read...I have a collection of books and just love what it can do for the imagination! Going somewhere, exploring different ideas, and living in someone else's shoes, just excites me! And writing...just the thought of writing, getting my thoughts down on paper so I can see it and share it with others, again, just excites me.
I don't know what that is going to look like or how God is going to guide that, but I am excited to see! I come from writers...my great grandpa was a writer and had one of his books published, and my mom used to write. Right after I got saved I was prophesied over that I would write. Now it's time to explore my writing and how that is going to happen...:)
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