Thursday, October 9, 2014

Recipe Thursday!

     A big part of being healthy is eating good for you foods!  Sometimes that is extremely hard especially when the world is throwing all this "quick, easy" simple meals our way.  But yet, these meals and foods have a lot of preservatives and processed chemicals and additives God did not intend for us to digest.  As easy as these things can be to buy and let ourselves/family eat them, they can often cause bad diseases/behaviors because we are comsuming chemicals.
So,  here are a few ideas for some healthy good for you snacks:

potato fries:
preheat oven to 400 degrees
slice a potato per person into thin slices
spray with olive oil and add salt/pepper/garlic powder/all seasoning
bake on a cookie sheet for about 20 minutes per side

I think there is around 100 calories per potato.

water or milk or o.j.
about a cup of fruit
1 banana
protein powder
1 TBLS. p. butter
optional: oatmeal, ice cubes

*If you want less calories choose water as your base, milk or orange juice can add nice flavor.  And of course..the more liquid you add the thinner the smoothie will be, add less liquid it will be thicker  Watch how much you add to a smoothie, calories can add VERY quickly. 

This of course is a awesome choice for a snack.  It is also very nice to compliment a piece of fruit with some kind of protein(cheese, nuts etc.) 

Some of this can get kind of expensive, however, it is better than buying processed stuff!  Tomorrow I will try and post some breakfast/dinner recipes! 
Have fun and enjoy these yummy snacks!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Consistency is Key!

     Figuring out a schedule is the hardest, but best thing to do.  What is one reason we love summer so much?  It gets us into a new schedule for three months...something out of the ordinary.  We can do whatever we want, whenever we want.  That is why we love fall so much, as well.  It brings us back into a schedule, consistency, something new and some sacrifice.  As much as it's chaos, basically the whole month of September, it's really nice knowing what to expect everyday.  Not to mention the kids are a little more well behaved because they are back into a routine.
     Well, working out and getting into shape is the same way.  The ONLY way, besides diet, that it is going to work is if you figure out a schedule that works for you.  Some people like early morning workouts...I am talking like 5-6am!  If that is you...kudos times like a million:P Then stay consistent with it.  Some people like me, like the 8-10am time.  I do it about 5-6 days a week around this time.  If your schedule doesn't allow anytime in the morning, but the afternoon or evening work good for you, then awesome.  You may even despise routines...then set an alarm in your phone so at least you are doing some kind of workout at some point everyday.
     Now...some people don't fall into any of these catagories and they just hate working out all together!  I get that, it's not for everybody!  Then start out small and add more as you get more comfortable.  But the only way you are going to get the body and health you want is if you start somewhere.  30 minutes a day/everyday is all you need to do to see a change in your health!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Hydration is important!

     Dehydration can cause a lot of issues!  Not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.  Dehydration is defined as: to remove water or moisture from, also to lose too much water.  Think about that...
     When you are in dehydration mode you are removing water and moisture from your body.  The body God intended for food AND drink.  I don't think God intended for the water our body is supposed to get, to be replaced by manmade things like soda,coffee, and energy drinks.  Now there is nothing wrong with these things, however, they are manmade...not created by God! Anything created by God is NOT bad, it was created because we needed it not necessarily because it tasted good.  How does dehydration effect you?
     1. Physically...not getting enough water can make you tired, really tired!  When I am tired that is the first thing I look at.  How much have I drank?  Also it can make going to the bathroom extremely water softens things up(gross, but the truth).  It can also cause mild to severe headaches...and who likes those?  It could also cause you to consume more calories, as hunger is often mistaken when you need something to drink instead. 
     2. Emotionally...not drinking water can make you irritable, crabby an explode over nothing...I think you get it.
     3. Mentally...I often feel scatterbrained, can't think straight and feel like I have a foggy brain when I need to drink something.
     It is so important to drink pure water everyday!  Start small and start adding bottles or cups slowly.  It may not taste good but it is so important to have more energy and to feel good about yourself!  God created this for a reason...just remembe that:) 
Enjoy the weekend and I write more on Monday!

CHALLENGE: Drink one more bottle/cup of water per day then you usually do! 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Getting to know me...

I have been active all my life, I started dancing when I was 7.  I was forced to go on bike rides while my dad ran...have to be honest, most of he time I enjoyed it!  In college I danced everyday and sometimes multiple times per day.  I started working out shortly before graduating college because I knew not dancing and only teaching would reek havoc on my body.  I started running and weight training in 2005 and have been doing it ever since. 
     Ever since I can remember I have had a very strong desire to eat and cook healthy things.  Even as a teenager, I wanted to eat healthy and live a healthy lifestyle.  Besides dance, I would get up before school and workout with my was the 90's;) I love cooking and making healthy recipes and dinners for my family and recommending stuff for others to try.  Now, mind you, my family and I do have our indulgences...just not all the time!
     I have been told in the past by several people that I should seriously consider getting my personal training certificate.  I have also been told that I should become a nutritionist because I am very good with food and knowing healthy options.  So in the last few weeks I have finally decided to actually do it!  I have to wait till next summer though, as we are working to pay some debt off. 
     In the meantime, I have decided to use my blog as an avenue to start giving advice.  I am NOT promising anything.  I do NOT have a license and I am NOT certified.  I am merely shooting out advice that I have learned over the last 9 years working out and running.  There are a lot of other great blogs/information out there that will be better and more up to date. 
     I am doing this blog because I have prayed and believe this is the avenue that God has opened up for me.  Also, because a lot of my friends have asked for advice and instead of telling the same thing over and over again..I would put it in one place!  Please don't be afraid to NOT follow my advice and please feel free to ask questions.  Anything you ask or discuss on this site will remain here.
     The last thing...if you have NEVER worked out or have any medical condition please check with your doctor before beginning anything.  Remember, I am not a licensed nutritionist/personal trainer, yet:)

*Look for a new post tomorrow!*