Thursday, November 3, 2011

Faith, Love and Hope!

     Okay so I am starting to slack a bit on this blog...but I am still dedicated to it and am hoping it is inspiring everybody who reads it!
     I have realized something today and I hope to spread this message.  Everybody has a story...a path their lives have lead them on.  It may have all gone our way, some of it gone our way or none of it.  God has given each of us a "testimony," lessons he has taught each one of us that we can spread to other people that may encourage them.  I believe that is our job until we get to heaven, is to help spread the message of faith, love and hope. 
     I was reading a close friends blog today and checked out one of the blogs she reads.  Her friend was saying she was having a hard time today because she was not pregnant yet, and struggling with the "waiting game."  Mmmmm...see where I am going with this?  If Craig and I were not going through what we are going through and God would not have chosen this path for us then I could not have sent her a message of faith, love and hope!  It's not a club I wish anybody to be a part of, but to be able to send that kind of message to someone makes it a little easier.
     So each one of us has a story and we are too use that to help and inspire others!  Think of how you can use your story to help spread the message of faith, love and hope!

1 Corinthians 13:13- And now these three reman: faith, hope and love. but the greatest of these is love!

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