As I am sitting here and looking back on the past year and realizing there is just under 10 hours left of 2011 it makes me think of all the awesome things God has done. Then it also makes me look forward to the things he is going to do not only for me and my family, but for my friends as well. Don't forget to praise God in the trials as well as the triumph, for in each of these there is a lesson that God is just waiting to teach us:)
Have a very safe and blessed 2012!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
Friday Challenge!
Today's challenge is to make a dreamboard for 2012. A dreamboard is something I learned to do while working on Xango. A dreamboard is made up of your dreams and ambitions for the upcoming year..Craig does this and we even do it with Silena!
The subconscious has a way of putting everything it sees on a regular basis into it's memory. If you put the dreamboard somewhere where you will see it, then before you know it, your memory will help you to accomplish whatever it is you want.
Why is it that only kids get to have dreams? It is very important as adults to have goals, dreams, and ambitions. These are what get you through the really hard, crappy days when you just want to lay in bed. We all have matter how silly they are! They could be simple or they could be a stretch, but remember your subconscious will help you to accomplish them!
Try doing this and remember...a dream has no limit:)
Happy New Year!
The subconscious has a way of putting everything it sees on a regular basis into it's memory. If you put the dreamboard somewhere where you will see it, then before you know it, your memory will help you to accomplish whatever it is you want.
Why is it that only kids get to have dreams? It is very important as adults to have goals, dreams, and ambitions. These are what get you through the really hard, crappy days when you just want to lay in bed. We all have matter how silly they are! They could be simple or they could be a stretch, but remember your subconscious will help you to accomplish them!
Try doing this and remember...a dream has no limit:)
Happy New Year!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
A mustard seed!
I hope all of you are recovering from your Christmas events and gearing up for another great holiday...New Year! I didn't know what to write so opened my bible and decided on a scripture. It wasn't the first one I opened to, but found it after searching for a few moments.
Matthew 17: 19-20- Then the disciples came to Jesus in private and asked, "Why couldn't we drive it out?" He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."
I didn't exactly know how small a mustard seed was so I went onto google and this is what picture came up:

Matthew 17: 19-20- Then the disciples came to Jesus in private and asked, "Why couldn't we drive it out?" He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."
I didn't exactly know how small a mustard seed was so I went onto google and this is what picture came up:

I can't believe it...We can move any mountain and it doesn't matter what the world says, but God says this is all we have to have, 20 mm worth of faith, for him to move a mountain for us! How awesome is that? It shouldn't matter what we are going through here on earth, no matter how hard the trial is, God wants us to know that we just have to believe he will move the mountain for us. One thing I learned yesterday while doing my bible study...not only do you have to believe miracles with your heart, but you also have to speak miracles, as if you have received them. Don't speak against the things you are asking to be moved! We are truly capable of anything:)
Monday, December 26, 2011
I can not believe we are a week away from another new year! It is crazy..I remember this time 12 years ago when people were freaking out about Y2K. Wouldn't you know it people are freaking about the Myan Calendar and the fact that they "predicted" the world to end at the end of 2012. Maybe it's hard to believe because we have literally no snow down on the ground and it looks and feels like spring. Weird! As I end my year with reading the whole bible and start my new year by running 13.1 miles, I think about how wonderful my life is. I am accomplishing all these things before my 30th birthday and I have found a new love for the Lord.
I think it is an awesome thing to have really small goals and accomplish those because it makes it really easy to get focused on the bigger goals if you can check off the small ones! What are your goals for the new year? Not resolutions that will last a whole month, but true goals that you can work towards! Remember the Lord wants to see if we can be faithful and responsible with the small stuff...and when he can see that then he will give us more responsibility and bigger blessings:)
Have a great last week of 2011!
I think it is an awesome thing to have really small goals and accomplish those because it makes it really easy to get focused on the bigger goals if you can check off the small ones! What are your goals for the new year? Not resolutions that will last a whole month, but true goals that you can work towards! Remember the Lord wants to see if we can be faithful and responsible with the small stuff...and when he can see that then he will give us more responsibility and bigger blessings:)
Have a great last week of 2011!
Friday, December 23, 2011
Take a minute!
The excitement in my house is brewing! My princess made a Christmas chain in school and therefore she knows the exact number of days till Christmas. Which I honestly thought it would get annoying, but it is rather cute. She knows what night "Santa" is coming and told me last night that the only thing she hopes Santa brings her are Figit I understand the big deal of these...nope! But guess what, she is getting these, which means her grandparents are pretty much off the hook. Anything beyond these she will love and will be an added bonus.
I remember getting this excited for Christmas and always putting at least one thing on my list that I was hoping and praying that I would get. And now I understand why my "Santa" would always get excited and have the video camera going every Christmas morning...thanks a lot by the way! I remember getting my first Nutcracker when I was eight and the excitement is just as high 21 years later whenever I get a nutcracker.
My point is to really enjoy the last few days...pick out one or two things this Christmas just to take a minute to enjoy. Whether it be that you were blessed with money to give to the people you love, or given the ability to bake, or given the chance to bless a complete stranger, or watching your children get truly excited. These are all things God wants us to remember this weekend.
Have a great Christmas and remember to take a minute to enjoy the little things:)
I remember getting this excited for Christmas and always putting at least one thing on my list that I was hoping and praying that I would get. And now I understand why my "Santa" would always get excited and have the video camera going every Christmas morning...thanks a lot by the way! I remember getting my first Nutcracker when I was eight and the excitement is just as high 21 years later whenever I get a nutcracker.
My point is to really enjoy the last few days...pick out one or two things this Christmas just to take a minute to enjoy. Whether it be that you were blessed with money to give to the people you love, or given the ability to bake, or given the chance to bless a complete stranger, or watching your children get truly excited. These are all things God wants us to remember this weekend.
Have a great Christmas and remember to take a minute to enjoy the little things:)
Thursday, December 22, 2011
I have made it....the Book of Revelation! There were points in the last three months where I got bored out of my mind reading parts of it and there were points where I honestly wanted to quit. I am glad I didn't...the things the Lord showed me through reading HIS word are priceless.
I have learned how truly amazing his love is, like when he kept giving the Israelites chance and chance and they still refused to listen. It made me mad just reading it...come on already, just stop causing trouble, was my thought. But it's just like kids isn't it? We as parents are saying just stop already and you won't have to get into trouble. The Lord truly loves us with patience, grace and mercy.
Another thing He showed me was how much he wants to do awesome things for us. I have always heard lots of scripture to stand on and think about when I am facing trial, but to actually see this same scripture in context has grown my faith to no end. Every time I have a thought that I know is not from God I have a TON of scripture now to lean on and recite.
Not only do I have scripture, but now I can see all the miracles performed and done so people would believe and see that God was real. It just shows what he can and will do for the people who love him.
I am so glad I did this and am looking forward to reading the last book...I am so glad I was able to spend these last three months so intently seeking after God!
I have learned how truly amazing his love is, like when he kept giving the Israelites chance and chance and they still refused to listen. It made me mad just reading it...come on already, just stop causing trouble, was my thought. But it's just like kids isn't it? We as parents are saying just stop already and you won't have to get into trouble. The Lord truly loves us with patience, grace and mercy.
Another thing He showed me was how much he wants to do awesome things for us. I have always heard lots of scripture to stand on and think about when I am facing trial, but to actually see this same scripture in context has grown my faith to no end. Every time I have a thought that I know is not from God I have a TON of scripture now to lean on and recite.
Not only do I have scripture, but now I can see all the miracles performed and done so people would believe and see that God was real. It just shows what he can and will do for the people who love him.
I am so glad I did this and am looking forward to reading the last book...I am so glad I was able to spend these last three months so intently seeking after God!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Merry CHRISTmas!
As we are in the week before Christmas and we all rush around trying to finish the baking, decorating and shopping let's try to really enjoy the season.
This has always been my favorite time of year...except for my birthday of course:) I am really trying to enjoy the season and it helps that my little princess is finally old enough to really realize what Christmas is. I think as much fun as shopping, baking and decorating is we need to remember that all that was created by man! God created Jesus and it was man that decided to turn it into the big hoopla holiday it is. Jesus was created for us so that we may be forgiven and granted the privelage of living in heaven someday.
So, as I am in the middle of baking, this is going to be short! Remember that the holiday is about our salvation and the gift we got 2000 years ago. Don't forget to say Merry Christmas and help people to remember the reason that we get to celebrate this awesome day...if it weren't for Jesus there wouldn't even be Christmas:)
This has always been my favorite time of year...except for my birthday of course:) I am really trying to enjoy the season and it helps that my little princess is finally old enough to really realize what Christmas is. I think as much fun as shopping, baking and decorating is we need to remember that all that was created by man! God created Jesus and it was man that decided to turn it into the big hoopla holiday it is. Jesus was created for us so that we may be forgiven and granted the privelage of living in heaven someday.
So, as I am in the middle of baking, this is going to be short! Remember that the holiday is about our salvation and the gift we got 2000 years ago. Don't forget to say Merry Christmas and help people to remember the reason that we get to celebrate this awesome day...if it weren't for Jesus there wouldn't even be Christmas:)
Monday, December 19, 2011
Could you imagine?
I think only women could completely understand this, could you imagine bleeding for 12 years? I could not! How annoying and scary at the same time...but then could you imagine just stopping immediately all because you believed one man could heal you. When everyone else thought you were insane?
Matthew 9: 20-22...Just then a woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak. She said to herself, "If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed." Jesus turned and saw her. "Take heart daughter," he said, "your faith has healed you." And the woman was healed from that moment.
Some people think that faith is this really big thing and if they get up at 4am and read and pray, or go to church everyday, or memorize thousands of scripture than that is true faith and God will honor that. I don't think God meant for it to be something that takes that much time...this women didn't pray, or get up at 4am or go to church everyday. All she said was I have faith that this man will heal me! That is all God wants from us, is for us to believe he can and will do miraculous things just because he loves us. Of course, he does what us to memorize scripture and go to church and to pray...but a little everyday.
In my opinion the main thing he wants from us is our faith that he can do amazing things, just because he loves us:)
Matthew 9: 20-22...Just then a woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak. She said to herself, "If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed." Jesus turned and saw her. "Take heart daughter," he said, "your faith has healed you." And the woman was healed from that moment.
Some people think that faith is this really big thing and if they get up at 4am and read and pray, or go to church everyday, or memorize thousands of scripture than that is true faith and God will honor that. I don't think God meant for it to be something that takes that much time...this women didn't pray, or get up at 4am or go to church everyday. All she said was I have faith that this man will heal me! That is all God wants from us, is for us to believe he can and will do miraculous things just because he loves us. Of course, he does what us to memorize scripture and go to church and to pray...but a little everyday.
In my opinion the main thing he wants from us is our faith that he can do amazing things, just because he loves us:)
Saturday, December 17, 2011
He is mighty to save!
Today's devotion comes from Zephaniah 3:17: "The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing."
This is a very sweet verse. How cool is it to know that the Lord is here with us all the time? He is always here to help us through the day and to comfort us when we reach those hard points in our day. When we do good and honor him he is rejoicing over our successes, and when we know we have sinned or not sinned he is there waiting to offer us grace and forgiveness. It is amazing how big of a God he is...I don't think I realized how much he really cares until I read the parts of the bible that I hadn't read or heard of before. He fought for his people and even pleaded with his people to follow and obey him, he cares and loves us more than we will ever know.
How cool is that?:)
This is a very sweet verse. How cool is it to know that the Lord is here with us all the time? He is always here to help us through the day and to comfort us when we reach those hard points in our day. When we do good and honor him he is rejoicing over our successes, and when we know we have sinned or not sinned he is there waiting to offer us grace and forgiveness. It is amazing how big of a God he is...I don't think I realized how much he really cares until I read the parts of the bible that I hadn't read or heard of before. He fought for his people and even pleaded with his people to follow and obey him, he cares and loves us more than we will ever know.
How cool is that?:)
Friday, December 16, 2011
Friday Challenge!
I was going tanning the other day and I saw the neatest quote at the front desk! I thought that could be our challenge for the day:
Good Morning, this is God,
I will be handling all your problems today
so go ahead and give them to me and have a good day!
I also imagine there is probably an I love you somewhere in there as well. So go ahead...give God your problems and have a great weekend:)
Good Morning, this is God,
I will be handling all your problems today
so go ahead and give them to me and have a good day!
I also imagine there is probably an I love you somewhere in there as well. So go ahead...give God your problems and have a great weekend:)
Thursday, December 15, 2011
As I approach my final week in the quest to read the best book ever written, I came upon a very cool verse! It is from Romans 8: 24-25:
For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently. I find this verse so intriguing. The verse before that said that we are in anticipation of eagerly waiting to be adopted into God's kingdom and the redemption of our bodies.
Isn't it true? We never hope for things we have, because of course, what's the point! I hope for a house...oh, wait I already have one. I hope for a great job..oh, wait I have one of those too. I hope for great friends...oh, wait I have those too. It is kind of goofy to hope for the things we have..unless of course we don't appreciate the things we have. God wants us to hope for the things unseen! That is where faith comes in, waiting for the things that God has promised but not quite shown us yet. He wants us to continue waiting patiently for his promises to be revealed but also to remember that hope is giving him glory and honor in the mean time?:)
For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently. I find this verse so intriguing. The verse before that said that we are in anticipation of eagerly waiting to be adopted into God's kingdom and the redemption of our bodies.
Isn't it true? We never hope for things we have, because of course, what's the point! I hope for a house...oh, wait I already have one. I hope for a great job..oh, wait I have one of those too. I hope for great friends...oh, wait I have those too. It is kind of goofy to hope for the things we have..unless of course we don't appreciate the things we have. God wants us to hope for the things unseen! That is where faith comes in, waiting for the things that God has promised but not quite shown us yet. He wants us to continue waiting patiently for his promises to be revealed but also to remember that hope is giving him glory and honor in the mean time?:)
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
So today's devotion comes from Matthew 16:21-23: From that time on, Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, chief priests and teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life. Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. "Never, Lord!" he said. "This shall never happen to you!" Jesus turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men."
When I was reading this it made me realize that even Jesus had temptations. He had to learn to control his thoughts, he had to be careful of his actions and he had to be strong in what he said. Jesus was human just like us and faced the same things we do today. As I make my way through the new testament I realize he gave us words and quotes to stand on as satan tries to tempt and control us! Satan is nothing but a stumbling block, let us remember that Jesus is a rock and rocks never crumble.
As each and every day comes and we are tempted to think and say things that are not of God, remember to open your bible and look up quotes to stand upon! God is our rock and our strength..satan can try whatever he wants and as long as we remember what our rock says we will not stumble:)
When I was reading this it made me realize that even Jesus had temptations. He had to learn to control his thoughts, he had to be careful of his actions and he had to be strong in what he said. Jesus was human just like us and faced the same things we do today. As I make my way through the new testament I realize he gave us words and quotes to stand on as satan tries to tempt and control us! Satan is nothing but a stumbling block, let us remember that Jesus is a rock and rocks never crumble.
As each and every day comes and we are tempted to think and say things that are not of God, remember to open your bible and look up quotes to stand upon! God is our rock and our strength..satan can try whatever he wants and as long as we remember what our rock says we will not stumble:)
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Making the difference!
Sometimes, God puts us in a leadership role and we are asked to inspire, train and reach whoever we are leading. We work hard and do everything we are asked and it just seems we may not be making a difference. Let me give a new perspective:
Since about the second week of dance classes I decided I wanted to teach my classes a "word of the day." This word is meant only to plant a seed and inspire my dancers to be more than they think they can be. Every week we discuss a word that I pick: integrity, persevereance, responsibility, respect, humility, generousity, etc. Of course, we have had a lot more than that, but that is just a few. Now it doesn't matter age or capability of understanding...which, yes it means I even do this with my four year olds!
Well, a couple weeks I was stretching with my four year olds and one of them said it was too hard. Somebody else yelled out perseverance! Then later on in class when I was explaining that we had to keep our tap shoes quiet, someone else yelled out respect! I honestly didn't think my four year olds would grasp these concepts. It is quite advanced and I was just doing it because they seemed to enjoy it and it is always good to teach little kids big, apropriate words.
These dancers not only remembered the words but used them in the correct context! You see, even when we think that what we do can't make a difference, or we only see whoever we are leading for an hour a week, it can make a difference. As long as we plant the seed then God will make sure to sow that seed:)
Since about the second week of dance classes I decided I wanted to teach my classes a "word of the day." This word is meant only to plant a seed and inspire my dancers to be more than they think they can be. Every week we discuss a word that I pick: integrity, persevereance, responsibility, respect, humility, generousity, etc. Of course, we have had a lot more than that, but that is just a few. Now it doesn't matter age or capability of understanding...which, yes it means I even do this with my four year olds!
Well, a couple weeks I was stretching with my four year olds and one of them said it was too hard. Somebody else yelled out perseverance! Then later on in class when I was explaining that we had to keep our tap shoes quiet, someone else yelled out respect! I honestly didn't think my four year olds would grasp these concepts. It is quite advanced and I was just doing it because they seemed to enjoy it and it is always good to teach little kids big, apropriate words.
These dancers not only remembered the words but used them in the correct context! You see, even when we think that what we do can't make a difference, or we only see whoever we are leading for an hour a week, it can make a difference. As long as we plant the seed then God will make sure to sow that seed:)
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Sometimes you have to hear more than once!
Okay, so I have read the parable of the sower so many times. I have heard many variations and I have kind of understood but reading the whole story myself...a light bulb finally went off!
Jesus sits among large crowds and tells this parable: A farmer scattered seed, some fell along the path and the birds ate it. Some fell on rocky places and it sprang up quickly because it didn't have much soil. When the sun came the plants were scorched because they did not have roots. Some seeds fell among thorns which grew but chocked the other plants. Other seed fell among good soil where it produced a crop.
God wants us to be that good soil. He wants us to have such faith and belief in his word that no matter what comes against us we stay strong because we have roots to ground us. Some people will be the other seeds and completely fall apart when things come against them, we need to have our moments of panic, but then we need to look at who can turn those moments of panic into praise. The bible is our root to keep us grounded and focused on what really matters.
Matthew 13: 1-9
Jesus sits among large crowds and tells this parable: A farmer scattered seed, some fell along the path and the birds ate it. Some fell on rocky places and it sprang up quickly because it didn't have much soil. When the sun came the plants were scorched because they did not have roots. Some seeds fell among thorns which grew but chocked the other plants. Other seed fell among good soil where it produced a crop.
God wants us to be that good soil. He wants us to have such faith and belief in his word that no matter what comes against us we stay strong because we have roots to ground us. Some people will be the other seeds and completely fall apart when things come against them, we need to have our moments of panic, but then we need to look at who can turn those moments of panic into praise. The bible is our root to keep us grounded and focused on what really matters.
Matthew 13: 1-9
Friday, December 2, 2011
Friday Challenge!
Today's challenge is this: Find an extra person or charity to bless this season. Jesus said whatever you do in my name for the least of these you do for me.
Let's show God how much we appreciate him and his faithfulness by giving a little extra this month. Craig and I already sponser 2 children through World Vision, one from Zambia and one from Mozambique. They send us a gift catalog every year around this time for this exact reason. We have decided to send an extra amount of money to help go toward emergency food and shelter in the Horn of Africa. We are giving this in honor of our "nieces" first birthday, she got so many presents this year we decided to do this instead.
It doesn't matter how much doesn't even have to be money, it could be time. Let's pay back how blessed we all are by paying the blessing forward!
Have a great weekend...I have a lot going on this weeknd so I won't be writing another one till Monday:)
Let's show God how much we appreciate him and his faithfulness by giving a little extra this month. Craig and I already sponser 2 children through World Vision, one from Zambia and one from Mozambique. They send us a gift catalog every year around this time for this exact reason. We have decided to send an extra amount of money to help go toward emergency food and shelter in the Horn of Africa. We are giving this in honor of our "nieces" first birthday, she got so many presents this year we decided to do this instead.
It doesn't matter how much doesn't even have to be money, it could be time. Let's pay back how blessed we all are by paying the blessing forward!
Have a great weekend...I have a lot going on this weeknd so I won't be writing another one till Monday:)
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
As I finished up the old testament over the weekend a scripture verse in Habbakkuk has become my favorite:
Habb. 3:18-19...Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior. The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights.
What I took from this, especially this time of year is we have to remember to praise God for what he has done for us. I don't mean just the everyday blessings or the tremendous miracles he has done.
The best thing he ever did for us is have a son that would evuantually take the ultimate sacrifice. If it were not for this gift being born we would not have this time of year. We celebrate the birth of Jesus because God was willing to have a son who would forgive us for our sins and mistakes! We must praise God for that, for him to bless us with this awesome holiday...because don't forget we also have Easter.
Habb. 3:18-19...Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior. The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights.
What I took from this, especially this time of year is we have to remember to praise God for what he has done for us. I don't mean just the everyday blessings or the tremendous miracles he has done.
The best thing he ever did for us is have a son that would evuantually take the ultimate sacrifice. If it were not for this gift being born we would not have this time of year. We celebrate the birth of Jesus because God was willing to have a son who would forgive us for our sins and mistakes! We must praise God for that, for him to bless us with this awesome holiday...because don't forget we also have Easter.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Promises and Blessings
That is the title of the desk calendar I have flipped through everyday for about 2 years! It has a different inspirational scripture verse for everyday and here was todays! That is the thing I am going to leave you with need for eplanation for this one:
You're blessed when you are content with just who you are-no more, no less. That's the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can't be bought. You are blessed when you have worked up a good appetitie for God. He is food and drink in the best meal you will ever eat.
You're blessed when you are content with just who you are-no more, no less. That's the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can't be bought. You are blessed when you have worked up a good appetitie for God. He is food and drink in the best meal you will ever eat.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Friday Challenge!
Every Christmas people go into cards, layaway...whatever it takes to give the people they love what they want for Christmas. Why? Why do we as americans choose to do this? Aren't we missing what the true meaning is?
My family and I have a budget. We start saving in September and whatever we save by about the middle of December is what we have to spend. We pick a price for each person...usual the same for each and then that is what we use. We take money out of every pay check and then we have cash come December.
Craig and I don't want to teach Silena(and future children) that the meaning of Christmas is about things! That is not what God wants from us as parents...we want her to be willing to go with less so that others can enjoy receiving as well.
This is my challenge for you this season...starting saving now and pay for presents in cash! Decide on a price for everybody and stick with it. Then when summer comes you won't be still paying off Christmas!
My family and I have a budget. We start saving in September and whatever we save by about the middle of December is what we have to spend. We pick a price for each person...usual the same for each and then that is what we use. We take money out of every pay check and then we have cash come December.
Craig and I don't want to teach Silena(and future children) that the meaning of Christmas is about things! That is not what God wants from us as parents...we want her to be willing to go with less so that others can enjoy receiving as well.
This is my challenge for you this season...starting saving now and pay for presents in cash! Decide on a price for everybody and stick with it. Then when summer comes you won't be still paying off Christmas!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Always delivered!
I just finished reading the book of Daniel. Although I have done an in depth study of the book of Daniel I enjoyed reading it again. For some reason it really struck me this time how much God challenged Daniel and really pushed him and his faith. Yet, no matter what challenges were brought against Daniel he stayed strong in his faith and love of God!
Daniel must have been one strong dude...he was given so many trials and God chose to deliver him from every one. I think that is our lesson: no matter the trial we are going through we will be delivered. It may not be the way we want, but God is always faithful and will never make us go through what he doesn't think we are strong enough to handle:)
Daniel must have been one strong dude...he was given so many trials and God chose to deliver him from every one. I think that is our lesson: no matter the trial we are going through we will be delivered. It may not be the way we want, but God is always faithful and will never make us go through what he doesn't think we are strong enough to handle:)
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Being Thankful!
I have always known about God and have always been raised in the church. I grew up Catholic and even though I didn't have a clue about why we did half the things we did I loved going and loved learning about God. In fact I think I was the only high school kid who loved going to CCD, but of course, I played it up with my friends because I wanted to fit in so bad.
I continued going to church when I went to college and I just went to a small campus church that had mostly college kids and then a few older adults. My dad came and picked me up one easter weekend and we went to that church for Good Friday before we left. It meant so much to me that he would take the time to invest in where I was going and that he was proud of my continued pursuit of my religion.
This Thanksgiving I am thankful for my parents who started taking me to church when I was born and always instilled in me what an important part of life that is! I am also very thankful that I live someplace where I can talk about my love of Jesus openly and honestly:)
I continued going to church when I went to college and I just went to a small campus church that had mostly college kids and then a few older adults. My dad came and picked me up one easter weekend and we went to that church for Good Friday before we left. It meant so much to me that he would take the time to invest in where I was going and that he was proud of my continued pursuit of my religion.
This Thanksgiving I am thankful for my parents who started taking me to church when I was born and always instilled in me what an important part of life that is! I am also very thankful that I live someplace where I can talk about my love of Jesus openly and honestly:)
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
A good memory verse!
Once a week I am a tutor at Silena's school. Last week I had to help one of my students with her memory verse and it really got me thinking. Here it is:
Ephesians 2:8-10...For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
As I was helping her to memorize this scripture I was trying to help her to understand what it meant. The things in this verse we are told over and over again as kids but for some reason it really sunk in when I was explaining it to her.
We don't get salvation because we deserve it, we get it because of the grace and faith God has for each one of us. This isn't our right to have salvation it is truly a gift that God did not have to give us, I could not imagine what it was like watching as his child was tortured and hung on a cross for something he didn't do! All for us...
It also doesn't matter what we do or how much we give that gets us to heaven. God doesn't really care about that...somebody could give millions and have a really selfish and unkind intention. Somebody else could give all they have and give it with a cheerful heart but because they didn't give more than they can't get to heaven? That is why the part of this scripture about "no one can boast" is very important. God is telling us it doesn't matter how much we give or what we do that gets us to heaven. It is our love and faithfulness to him that gets us to eternity:)
Ephesians 2:8-10...For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
As I was helping her to memorize this scripture I was trying to help her to understand what it meant. The things in this verse we are told over and over again as kids but for some reason it really sunk in when I was explaining it to her.
We don't get salvation because we deserve it, we get it because of the grace and faith God has for each one of us. This isn't our right to have salvation it is truly a gift that God did not have to give us, I could not imagine what it was like watching as his child was tortured and hung on a cross for something he didn't do! All for us...
It also doesn't matter what we do or how much we give that gets us to heaven. God doesn't really care about that...somebody could give millions and have a really selfish and unkind intention. Somebody else could give all they have and give it with a cheerful heart but because they didn't give more than they can't get to heaven? That is why the part of this scripture about "no one can boast" is very important. God is telling us it doesn't matter how much we give or what we do that gets us to heaven. It is our love and faithfulness to him that gets us to eternity:)
Sunday, November 20, 2011
They will not leave...
I know I wrote about this yesterday but I think the book of Isaiah is really cool and insightful. Today's verse is Isaiah 59:21:
"As for me, this is my covenant with them," says the Lord. "My Spirit, who is on you, and my words that I have put in your mouth will not depart from your mouth, or from the mouths of your children, or from the mouths of their descendants from this time on forever," says the Lord.
How awesome is that...the Lord had every intention of these words to go into our hearts and pass them on to future generations. The bible is not given to us to sit on a shelf and collect dust, these words are to be used in our daily life. These words are to be taught to our children so they know how to act and react to situations while growing up.
I also think the first sentence is quite insightful...covenant is an agreement or promise! That means this is the Lords promise to us that if we follow his word and accept it as truth then he promises us the world:)
"As for me, this is my covenant with them," says the Lord. "My Spirit, who is on you, and my words that I have put in your mouth will not depart from your mouth, or from the mouths of your children, or from the mouths of their descendants from this time on forever," says the Lord.
How awesome is that...the Lord had every intention of these words to go into our hearts and pass them on to future generations. The bible is not given to us to sit on a shelf and collect dust, these words are to be used in our daily life. These words are to be taught to our children so they know how to act and react to situations while growing up.
I also think the first sentence is quite insightful...covenant is an agreement or promise! That means this is the Lords promise to us that if we follow his word and accept it as truth then he promises us the world:)
Saturday, November 19, 2011
I think the book of Isaiah is an awesome book. Especially Isaiah 40:28-29! Let me tell you what those verses are:
Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired and weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.
I think what God wants us to take from this is no matter our situation we have hope and we have strength. The situation may be hard and it be tough to walk through it but with God as our strength we will have power no matter the situation.
I remember those tough years with Silena. The days it seemed the tantrums never ended..those days where all I said was boo and she would go into a rage. Some of you may be saying, "well, kids throw tantrums." These weren't your normal toddler tantrums...they would result in her room being completely destroyed, hitting, kicking, screaming, spitting and sometimes even getting peed on. I look back now and the only reason I made it through those and came out stronger is because God was increasing my power and he was my strength when I was weak.
We can never understand why he has us go through the "stuff" we do here on earth, but we can know that he will be right there with us giving us power when we are weak and strength when we are weary:)
Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired and weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.
I think what God wants us to take from this is no matter our situation we have hope and we have strength. The situation may be hard and it be tough to walk through it but with God as our strength we will have power no matter the situation.
I remember those tough years with Silena. The days it seemed the tantrums never ended..those days where all I said was boo and she would go into a rage. Some of you may be saying, "well, kids throw tantrums." These weren't your normal toddler tantrums...they would result in her room being completely destroyed, hitting, kicking, screaming, spitting and sometimes even getting peed on. I look back now and the only reason I made it through those and came out stronger is because God was increasing my power and he was my strength when I was weak.
We can never understand why he has us go through the "stuff" we do here on earth, but we can know that he will be right there with us giving us power when we are weak and strength when we are weary:)
Friday, November 18, 2011
Friday Challenge!
Today, November 18th, is no different than any other Wisconsin November morning. Cold, windy, and of course...we get cold without snow!
But we get the comfort of our house, apartment or condo. We get to sit by the fireplace or front of the sun with a cup of hot chocolate and enjoy looking out at our beautiful weather from the warmth of our house.
We know there are people today that don't have a house, apartment or condo! That makes me very thankful for the money God has provide me so I can have a warm place to stay. So that is my Friday Challenge this week.
Wheather we like our house or it's starting to drive us nuts...we need to be thankful we have a house to live in and someplace to get out of this freezing cold morning. So go around your house and really revel in what God has given you:)
But we get the comfort of our house, apartment or condo. We get to sit by the fireplace or front of the sun with a cup of hot chocolate and enjoy looking out at our beautiful weather from the warmth of our house.
We know there are people today that don't have a house, apartment or condo! That makes me very thankful for the money God has provide me so I can have a warm place to stay. So that is my Friday Challenge this week.
Wheather we like our house or it's starting to drive us nuts...we need to be thankful we have a house to live in and someplace to get out of this freezing cold morning. So go around your house and really revel in what God has given you:)
Monday, November 14, 2011
Don't Panic!
So our pastor has been giving a series of messages these last few months about having true faith and what that means:
1. Believing in miracles
2. Believing that if it happens to other people it can happen for you
3. Disciplining your thoughts
4. Faith WITH deeds
5. DONT panic
The last one is probably the hardest but the one that is the most important. The more you panic in a situation the more control you give the enemy, the more control you give him the more he is going to bother you. It's okay to take a little time, my pastor says 24 panic, cry, and get upset. After that it is up to you to pray about it and let the situation be. Whether it is God's plan or will for it to happen is up to him, but if we let it go and quite panicking, God can truly work his magic!
1. Believing in miracles
2. Believing that if it happens to other people it can happen for you
3. Disciplining your thoughts
4. Faith WITH deeds
5. DONT panic
The last one is probably the hardest but the one that is the most important. The more you panic in a situation the more control you give the enemy, the more control you give him the more he is going to bother you. It's okay to take a little time, my pastor says 24 panic, cry, and get upset. After that it is up to you to pray about it and let the situation be. Whether it is God's plan or will for it to happen is up to him, but if we let it go and quite panicking, God can truly work his magic!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Challenge Friday!
Today my challenge for you is to think, not only of 5 things your thankful for...I am challenging you to think of 5 people you are thankful for and why!
What have these people taught you? What lessons have you learned from these relationships? What do these relationships mean to you?
This is a very thoughtful time of year and we need to think not only of the material things God has graced us with but also the things that can't be replaced. These are the things we should be thankful for everyday not just one time a year. So over the weekend or even the next week think of who is irreplaceable in your life!
Have a great Friday:)
What have these people taught you? What lessons have you learned from these relationships? What do these relationships mean to you?
This is a very thoughtful time of year and we need to think not only of the material things God has graced us with but also the things that can't be replaced. These are the things we should be thankful for everyday not just one time a year. So over the weekend or even the next week think of who is irreplaceable in your life!
Have a great Friday:)
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Always Listen!
So todays lesson is one that I don't think any of us learn until it's too late...
Yesterday was the first snowfall of the year! It was so beautiful and kind of nice knowing it's only weeks away from Thanksgiving. I went to workout, like a usual weekday morning and after I was done I was going to go and donate plasma. By the time I was done it was snowing heavier and the roads were starting to get slick. I thought I would be fine because I had a half hour to get to the other side of town and if I just went slow then I would be okay. Yeah, well I got in my car and my gut immediately told are a block away from home just go home...didn't listen!
I got about 2 miles away from home and slipped just a little and again my gut told me "turn around and go home"...still didn't listen! As I went another mile or so my gut was practically screaming at this time it was too late. I hit a slippery patch in the road, proceeded in doing a donut ended up in the oncoming traffic lanes and while trying to get my car back to my side of the road, it couldn't get any traction. Another car came and as she turned to avoid me we hit and she proceeded to drive up on the sidewalk and hit a mailbox.
We both got out of our vehicles unharmed and our vehicles only had minor damage...her hubcaps were cracked and her drivers side mirror broke when she hit the mailbox. And my bumper will need to be replaced. The "Godwink" of this story...there were no witnesses to the accident! Which means only one thing...we were the only two cars on the road at the time of the accident.
Lesson: When your gut tells you more than once the same thing...take into consideration what it is telling you.
Yesterday was the first snowfall of the year! It was so beautiful and kind of nice knowing it's only weeks away from Thanksgiving. I went to workout, like a usual weekday morning and after I was done I was going to go and donate plasma. By the time I was done it was snowing heavier and the roads were starting to get slick. I thought I would be fine because I had a half hour to get to the other side of town and if I just went slow then I would be okay. Yeah, well I got in my car and my gut immediately told are a block away from home just go home...didn't listen!
I got about 2 miles away from home and slipped just a little and again my gut told me "turn around and go home"...still didn't listen! As I went another mile or so my gut was practically screaming at this time it was too late. I hit a slippery patch in the road, proceeded in doing a donut ended up in the oncoming traffic lanes and while trying to get my car back to my side of the road, it couldn't get any traction. Another car came and as she turned to avoid me we hit and she proceeded to drive up on the sidewalk and hit a mailbox.
We both got out of our vehicles unharmed and our vehicles only had minor damage...her hubcaps were cracked and her drivers side mirror broke when she hit the mailbox. And my bumper will need to be replaced. The "Godwink" of this story...there were no witnesses to the accident! Which means only one thing...we were the only two cars on the road at the time of the accident.
Lesson: When your gut tells you more than once the same thing...take into consideration what it is telling you.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Random Recommendation!
Since I have started on this bible journey, I have bought a new book. It is called Know Your Bible. It has a chapter for each book in the bible, it explains who wrote each book, the approx. date it was written, a summary of the book and then it goes into more detail about the book. I have used it for the last two books I have read in my bible. It made the books a lot easier to read, once I understood what they were about.
I thought I should pass that on:)
It's called: Know Your Bible
Author:Paul Kent
I thought I should pass that on:)
It's called: Know Your Bible
Author:Paul Kent
Monday, November 7, 2011
I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend...I did and it ended great with the Packers having another fantastic win. Although if they keep making me have a heart attack at each game with stupid moves, I may have to jump into the screen and kick some butt:)
As I proceed with my bible reading...I am finding Proverbs to be very uplifting and bold. I think besides Job it is probably my favorite book. I am on Proverbs 20 but on Saturday, I was reading through the earlier chapters and I found Proverbs 12 to be extremely funny but, oh so clear!
Proverbs 12: Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid!
I don't think God could have been anymore clear, we are supposed to follow the rules, follow good examples because he set these rules and examples in place for a reason. We don't know better than him..he already knows the consequeces and he is trying to give us a chance to avoid those consequences. If we don't we are just plain stupid! Also if we follow rules and set the example for others that means we are never past learning something new, and this in turn will keep us humble:)
As I proceed with my bible reading...I am finding Proverbs to be very uplifting and bold. I think besides Job it is probably my favorite book. I am on Proverbs 20 but on Saturday, I was reading through the earlier chapters and I found Proverbs 12 to be extremely funny but, oh so clear!
Proverbs 12: Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid!
I don't think God could have been anymore clear, we are supposed to follow the rules, follow good examples because he set these rules and examples in place for a reason. We don't know better than him..he already knows the consequeces and he is trying to give us a chance to avoid those consequences. If we don't we are just plain stupid! Also if we follow rules and set the example for others that means we are never past learning something new, and this in turn will keep us humble:)
Friday, November 4, 2011
I know, I know...every year about this time we are told to do the same thing. Think about the things we are grateful for and make sure we remember that when times get hard. As old as that gets I think it is a really good idea.
We should really do it everyday, be thankful and be grateful for the things and people in our life. God gave us each thing and person for a reason, we need to make sure and treat them with respect! So now that Thanksgiving is only weeks away...what are you grateful for?
My challenge: Try naming 5 things and really think about what makes you thankful!
Here's my five things:
1. My amazing husband and daughter
2. The ability to be a stay at home mom (besides being a dance teacher...this is really my dream job)
3. Being able to inspire other women and offer compassion
4. My awesome extended family who is always there to support us
5. Freedom of religion
I hope this makes you think of the things you are thankful for as another holiday season fast approaches:)
We should really do it everyday, be thankful and be grateful for the things and people in our life. God gave us each thing and person for a reason, we need to make sure and treat them with respect! So now that Thanksgiving is only weeks away...what are you grateful for?
My challenge: Try naming 5 things and really think about what makes you thankful!
Here's my five things:
1. My amazing husband and daughter
2. The ability to be a stay at home mom (besides being a dance teacher...this is really my dream job)
3. Being able to inspire other women and offer compassion
4. My awesome extended family who is always there to support us
5. Freedom of religion
I hope this makes you think of the things you are thankful for as another holiday season fast approaches:)
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Faith, Love and Hope!
Okay so I am starting to slack a bit on this blog...but I am still dedicated to it and am hoping it is inspiring everybody who reads it!
I have realized something today and I hope to spread this message. Everybody has a story...a path their lives have lead them on. It may have all gone our way, some of it gone our way or none of it. God has given each of us a "testimony," lessons he has taught each one of us that we can spread to other people that may encourage them. I believe that is our job until we get to heaven, is to help spread the message of faith, love and hope.
I was reading a close friends blog today and checked out one of the blogs she reads. Her friend was saying she was having a hard time today because she was not pregnant yet, and struggling with the "waiting game." Mmmmm...see where I am going with this? If Craig and I were not going through what we are going through and God would not have chosen this path for us then I could not have sent her a message of faith, love and hope! It's not a club I wish anybody to be a part of, but to be able to send that kind of message to someone makes it a little easier.
So each one of us has a story and we are too use that to help and inspire others! Think of how you can use your story to help spread the message of faith, love and hope!
1 Corinthians 13:13- And now these three reman: faith, hope and love. but the greatest of these is love!
I have realized something today and I hope to spread this message. Everybody has a story...a path their lives have lead them on. It may have all gone our way, some of it gone our way or none of it. God has given each of us a "testimony," lessons he has taught each one of us that we can spread to other people that may encourage them. I believe that is our job until we get to heaven, is to help spread the message of faith, love and hope.
I was reading a close friends blog today and checked out one of the blogs she reads. Her friend was saying she was having a hard time today because she was not pregnant yet, and struggling with the "waiting game." Mmmmm...see where I am going with this? If Craig and I were not going through what we are going through and God would not have chosen this path for us then I could not have sent her a message of faith, love and hope! It's not a club I wish anybody to be a part of, but to be able to send that kind of message to someone makes it a little easier.
So each one of us has a story and we are too use that to help and inspire others! Think of how you can use your story to help spread the message of faith, love and hope!
1 Corinthians 13:13- And now these three reman: faith, hope and love. but the greatest of these is love!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
We can't please everybody!
Heard the coolest story on the way home:
An old man, a young boy and a donkey were traveling. They came to the first town and the people asked the old man why he wasn't riding the donkey... so he decided to start riding the donkey. They continued to travel along and came to the second town. The villagers asked the old man why he was making the boy he got off and put the boy on the donkey. Well, they continued on their journey and came to the third town. The villagers accused the boy of being selfish and they asked the man why they both couldn't ride the donkey. The man thought about it and proceded to get on the donkey along with the boy. Well, they came to the fourth town and the people looked at the old man and the young boy and said they were being mean to the donkey by both riding it. The old man decided to carry the donkey for the rest of their journey.
Lesson: We can't please everybody and if we try we end up carrying a very heavy burden. The only person we need to please is God! As long as we are pleasing him then it doesn't matter who else we please:)
An old man, a young boy and a donkey were traveling. They came to the first town and the people asked the old man why he wasn't riding the donkey... so he decided to start riding the donkey. They continued to travel along and came to the second town. The villagers asked the old man why he was making the boy he got off and put the boy on the donkey. Well, they continued on their journey and came to the third town. The villagers accused the boy of being selfish and they asked the man why they both couldn't ride the donkey. The man thought about it and proceded to get on the donkey along with the boy. Well, they came to the fourth town and the people looked at the old man and the young boy and said they were being mean to the donkey by both riding it. The old man decided to carry the donkey for the rest of their journey.
Lesson: We can't please everybody and if we try we end up carrying a very heavy burden. The only person we need to please is God! As long as we are pleasing him then it doesn't matter who else we please:)
Friday, October 28, 2011
Challenge Friday!
Words can teach us so much! I have been teaching my dancers a new word every far we have learned perserverance, respect, integrity and humility. Now, I know that is a lot for a little kid to grasp, especially my 4 year olds. I don't expect them to memorize the words but I am hoping that it will be glued into their subconsious. My challenge to them every week is go and use that word at least once and come back with one story of how they used these words!
So I am forwarding the same challenge to these words and look them up if your not sure what they mean:
Show at least one person or yourself this week an example of what these words are. Also, try and learn a new word. Words say so much and can either hinder us and others...or we can use words to influence and speak life into others!
Which do you choose?
Have a great weekend and I will talk to you on Monday!
So I am forwarding the same challenge to these words and look them up if your not sure what they mean:
Show at least one person or yourself this week an example of what these words are. Also, try and learn a new word. Words say so much and can either hinder us and others...or we can use words to influence and speak life into others!
Which do you choose?
Have a great weekend and I will talk to you on Monday!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
They come in all shapes and sizes!
We all have had them or are facing them. They can come in all shapes, sizes and come around when we least expect them to. What are they you ask...they are giants!
As Christians we face them everyday whether it be something big or something rather small. The really cool thing is God gave us the sure answer to all our "giants." The bible is a remarkable tool that we have as a permanent reminder have how we are to handle each situation. One story in particular illustrates this very well. It makes me think of David and Goliath...
Nobody thought he would be able to beat the giant. He was a puny teenage shepard boy who nobody believed in. Even his brothers and Dad thought he was too small. However, God believed in him and that is all anybody really needs(even if we don't believe in ourselves). He faced that giant head on and said "you may come to me with a sword, spear and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord Almighty God!" How powerful a statement, but what did David mean by that?
My thinking is this, no matter what kind of giant we face...9 feet or 9 inches, if we come to it in the name of the Lord, that giant will fall to the ground and we will be able to chop it's head off. So nothing in our life is ever too big to handle with God as our main tool for fighting:)
1 Samuel 17: 45-46
As Christians we face them everyday whether it be something big or something rather small. The really cool thing is God gave us the sure answer to all our "giants." The bible is a remarkable tool that we have as a permanent reminder have how we are to handle each situation. One story in particular illustrates this very well. It makes me think of David and Goliath...
Nobody thought he would be able to beat the giant. He was a puny teenage shepard boy who nobody believed in. Even his brothers and Dad thought he was too small. However, God believed in him and that is all anybody really needs(even if we don't believe in ourselves). He faced that giant head on and said "you may come to me with a sword, spear and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord Almighty God!" How powerful a statement, but what did David mean by that?
My thinking is this, no matter what kind of giant we face...9 feet or 9 inches, if we come to it in the name of the Lord, that giant will fall to the ground and we will be able to chop it's head off. So nothing in our life is ever too big to handle with God as our main tool for fighting:)
1 Samuel 17: 45-46
Monday, October 24, 2011
I think, sometimes, I get so caught up in life that I forget what the little things in life mean. I have been praying and asking that God send me something to know I am to keep believing for things in life to happen to us. Well, yesterday he fulfilled that prayer...
Yesterday morning in church the sermon was on God's promises and how he gave us the bible so we would know what his gifts were to us. I feel the bible was God's greatest gift. If we ever wonder what he is going to do in us, through us, and for us...we have the answers. We just have to find them and have faith in them, because they will happen, just not necessarily when we want them too.
Then on the way home from Green Bay the most beautiful sight I have seen in a long time was in the sky. It was the biggest, brightest and fullest rainbow I have seen. Not only was it a full rainbow but there was half of another one beside it. I think this is also one of the best things God gave us. When we are unsure of our faith(which I have been lately) he sends us these things just to tell us that he hasn't forgotten us and he is listening:)
Yesterday morning in church the sermon was on God's promises and how he gave us the bible so we would know what his gifts were to us. I feel the bible was God's greatest gift. If we ever wonder what he is going to do in us, through us, and for us...we have the answers. We just have to find them and have faith in them, because they will happen, just not necessarily when we want them too.
Then on the way home from Green Bay the most beautiful sight I have seen in a long time was in the sky. It was the biggest, brightest and fullest rainbow I have seen. Not only was it a full rainbow but there was half of another one beside it. I think this is also one of the best things God gave us. When we are unsure of our faith(which I have been lately) he sends us these things just to tell us that he hasn't forgotten us and he is listening:)
Friday, October 21, 2011
Friday Challenge!
I have been into reading the Oprah magazine lately. She really helps me to stay focused on constantly being a better person. Her magazine is the best of everything: fashion, new books, interesting articles and self improvement advice.
Oprah is big into journaling! So she recommended a website called 750words. This website is basically an online journal...that no one can see or read. The cool thing is you get badges for how many days in a row you write. Based on whatever you write the site has mood indicators, it tells you how fast you went, what the weather is(don't ask how they know this). Then they also have a monthly challenge that you can take part in!
The point of journaling is just to get your thoughts out of your head. If your like me, it helps to process what I am thinking and kind of organize my many thoughts. Since I have started this, almost a month, it really has helped me to stay consistent and I write more often. I really enjoy journaling this way and not to mention, it is a lot easier and faster for me to type!
So this is my challenge for you: to go on this website and explore it. If you like your paper journal then stay with that, if your ready to try something new the site is! Have a great weekend and we will talk to you on Monday:)
Oprah is big into journaling! So she recommended a website called 750words. This website is basically an online journal...that no one can see or read. The cool thing is you get badges for how many days in a row you write. Based on whatever you write the site has mood indicators, it tells you how fast you went, what the weather is(don't ask how they know this). Then they also have a monthly challenge that you can take part in!
The point of journaling is just to get your thoughts out of your head. If your like me, it helps to process what I am thinking and kind of organize my many thoughts. Since I have started this, almost a month, it really has helped me to stay consistent and I write more often. I really enjoy journaling this way and not to mention, it is a lot easier and faster for me to type!
So this is my challenge for you: to go on this website and explore it. If you like your paper journal then stay with that, if your ready to try something new the site is! Have a great weekend and we will talk to you on Monday:)
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Who would think?
Craig and I have made a commitment to getting ourselves out of debt, saving for a family vacation to Florida and, of course, Christmas. Well, that is easier said then done!
First we put our credit cards away and refuse to use them. How can God fully provide for us (and provide extra) if we are relying on those stupid cards? Then we were looking for some ways to make some extra money to help save for Christmas, Vacation and paying off debt. So we decided one way was to put some items, we weren't interested in keeping, for sale on Craig's list. The last thing we had heard about was about donating plasma. Which could bring in a fair amount of extra income. Alright I thought I will give it a shot!
So I did...I made the appointment. I thought well, if this is what God wants me to do then I will come through it with flying colors and have no problem at all. The coolest thing I learned was that it really does help people. I had no idea what plasma was or what it did in our body. I found out that plasma helps people who have compromised immune systems and helps them to lead normal lives and provides the medicine that they need. Which brings a whole new meaning to me doing it! I now realize how important it is to donate and give to people who will be able to do the same things we take for granted.
Lesson: I get to help people and help save lives while providing some extra money for my family. Can't get any better than that:)
Matthew 25:40- I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.
First we put our credit cards away and refuse to use them. How can God fully provide for us (and provide extra) if we are relying on those stupid cards? Then we were looking for some ways to make some extra money to help save for Christmas, Vacation and paying off debt. So we decided one way was to put some items, we weren't interested in keeping, for sale on Craig's list. The last thing we had heard about was about donating plasma. Which could bring in a fair amount of extra income. Alright I thought I will give it a shot!
So I did...I made the appointment. I thought well, if this is what God wants me to do then I will come through it with flying colors and have no problem at all. The coolest thing I learned was that it really does help people. I had no idea what plasma was or what it did in our body. I found out that plasma helps people who have compromised immune systems and helps them to lead normal lives and provides the medicine that they need. Which brings a whole new meaning to me doing it! I now realize how important it is to donate and give to people who will be able to do the same things we take for granted.
Lesson: I get to help people and help save lives while providing some extra money for my family. Can't get any better than that:)
Matthew 25:40- I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
#1 Commandment!
Does anybody know what that is? The most important commandment is....To love the Lord with all your heart, mind, and soul.
Now, I have to admit sometimes this is really hard. Especially when life doesn't go "our way." When I was a baby christian my love would come and go with lifes circumstances. However, now, after this many years and now that I am digging into the bible more, it's definitely more steady. He is God and he never wants to harm us. His love is as big as the ocean and even when life seems to not go our way it is our job to love him and understand that he just wants whats best for us. It may not be our plans but he always makes things work out for those who love him.
I think the more we try and remember this the easier it will be to love him with our heart, mind and soul! No matter what:)
Now, I have to admit sometimes this is really hard. Especially when life doesn't go "our way." When I was a baby christian my love would come and go with lifes circumstances. However, now, after this many years and now that I am digging into the bible more, it's definitely more steady. He is God and he never wants to harm us. His love is as big as the ocean and even when life seems to not go our way it is our job to love him and understand that he just wants whats best for us. It may not be our plans but he always makes things work out for those who love him.
I think the more we try and remember this the easier it will be to love him with our heart, mind and soul! No matter what:)
Friday, October 14, 2011
Challenge Friday!
Our pastor has been giving a series of messages on Faith. Last week he talked about how in order to get our faith in our hearts we have to get it in our minds first. Which means we have to discipline our minds and our thoughts! And you thought discipline was just for your children:) How do we do that you ask? Here is what I am going to do and this is my challenge to you today...
God says to hide his word in our hearts so that when the enemy strikes we have his word to stand on. Knowing that, I went to Walmart and got some index cards. I am going to write a different scripture on each card and start memorizing them! At first I am going to read them probably 2-3 times a day to really give my thoughts a good kick in the pants and then hopefully I will only have to do it 1 time a day.
My challenge is that you do the same thing! Whether you are struggling with anything or not, it is a great thing to have absolute truth to stand on when those thoughts start to pester you. Besides our thoughts, let give the enemy a little kick in the pants as well...
Have a great weekend! I will not be posting anything new till Monday because I will be out of town till Sunday night:)
God says to hide his word in our hearts so that when the enemy strikes we have his word to stand on. Knowing that, I went to Walmart and got some index cards. I am going to write a different scripture on each card and start memorizing them! At first I am going to read them probably 2-3 times a day to really give my thoughts a good kick in the pants and then hopefully I will only have to do it 1 time a day.
My challenge is that you do the same thing! Whether you are struggling with anything or not, it is a great thing to have absolute truth to stand on when those thoughts start to pester you. Besides our thoughts, let give the enemy a little kick in the pants as well...
Have a great weekend! I will not be posting anything new till Monday because I will be out of town till Sunday night:)
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Sometimes it's hard going through life and facing normal everyday issues. Then trying to see these issues and handle them from a Christian perspective can be even more difficult. However, God gives us an awesome part of scripture that lets us know our benefits from following Him, his laws, and commands. It is called "THE BLELSSING," and it's found in Deu. 28!
I have learned that the bible and the words it contains are God's will and his promises. When Abraham prayed to God for a child...God told him he would be the father of many. When he stopped the rain after 40 days....God promised Noah to never flood the whole earth again. God gave every women who was barren in the old testament a child. He gave Solomon the kingdom he had promised his father David.
"THE BLESSING" is filled with promises that we as Christians are entitled to as long as we follow him: prosperity, children, shelter, food, clothing. God wants to give us everything our hearts desire...just like we as parents want to give our children everything! He does not want us to be poor, childless, homeless, without food. These things are his gifts to us for loving him, obeying him and following him we just need to be open to accepting them. We must also know we WILL receive them because every word is his PROMISE...even if we don't think we deserve them!
I have learned that the bible and the words it contains are God's will and his promises. When Abraham prayed to God for a child...God told him he would be the father of many. When he stopped the rain after 40 days....God promised Noah to never flood the whole earth again. God gave every women who was barren in the old testament a child. He gave Solomon the kingdom he had promised his father David.
"THE BLESSING" is filled with promises that we as Christians are entitled to as long as we follow him: prosperity, children, shelter, food, clothing. God wants to give us everything our hearts desire...just like we as parents want to give our children everything! He does not want us to be poor, childless, homeless, without food. These things are his gifts to us for loving him, obeying him and following him we just need to be open to accepting them. We must also know we WILL receive them because every word is his PROMISE...even if we don't think we deserve them!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
I Wonder?
I am finding, as much as the Old Testament is is actually quite interesting. A few weeks ago I read Exodus and one part in particular stuck out to me. It is from Exodus 17:10-13!
These verses are about Moses and the Israelites fighting the Amalekites in the Desert of Sin. In these verses it talks about Moses having to hold out his hands along with his staff. As long as he did this then the Israelites continued to win. As soon as his hands came down then the Amalekites were winning. Then when Moses' hands got tired Aaron, Hur and Joshua would put a stone under him and he would sit on it. Aaron and Hur would also help hold his hands up when they got tired so they would "remain steady until sunset."
I wonder if this is a metaphor for life? When we continue to lift our hands to the Lord and give him praise, despite our situation, we are going to win and overcome it(no matter how long it takes us). However, when we let our hands down and start letting our thoughts rule our mind is that when we start to lose? Next comes the part about Aaron, Hur and Joshua providing Moses with a rock to sit on when he was tired. I think we have to remember that no matter how tired we get Jesus is our rock to sit on. He is always there for us to rest and take a break from life, he will always be strong for us and we are never too heavy. The last part is about Aaron and Hur holding up each arm as Moses got tired. I think that is why God provided us friends and family, so we would always have other people who could physically hold us up when we are tired and overwhelmed. People who could help carry our burdens so that we can "remain steady until sunset."
These verses are about Moses and the Israelites fighting the Amalekites in the Desert of Sin. In these verses it talks about Moses having to hold out his hands along with his staff. As long as he did this then the Israelites continued to win. As soon as his hands came down then the Amalekites were winning. Then when Moses' hands got tired Aaron, Hur and Joshua would put a stone under him and he would sit on it. Aaron and Hur would also help hold his hands up when they got tired so they would "remain steady until sunset."
I wonder if this is a metaphor for life? When we continue to lift our hands to the Lord and give him praise, despite our situation, we are going to win and overcome it(no matter how long it takes us). However, when we let our hands down and start letting our thoughts rule our mind is that when we start to lose? Next comes the part about Aaron, Hur and Joshua providing Moses with a rock to sit on when he was tired. I think we have to remember that no matter how tired we get Jesus is our rock to sit on. He is always there for us to rest and take a break from life, he will always be strong for us and we are never too heavy. The last part is about Aaron and Hur holding up each arm as Moses got tired. I think that is why God provided us friends and family, so we would always have other people who could physically hold us up when we are tired and overwhelmed. People who could help carry our burdens so that we can "remain steady until sunset."
Saturday, October 8, 2011
We learned this when we were young
This is one thing that I think is the hardest skill to learn...and you either have it or it kills you trying to get it! What is the one statement that we hear all the time as kids: Be__________ (did you get it)?
Being patient is one of the hardest things I think we as humans (let alone Americans) understand. Webster defines patience as enduring pain or trouble without complaining, calmly tolerating delay, and perserverance. Our parents drill this into us as kids but what stops us as adults from having patience? I think it is instant gratification.
Craig and I have had this very annoying cough all week long. So annoying that we have not had a peaceful nights sleep since last weekend! We have been praying for a week for us to be healed so we can sleep and get better. Well, last night I had an aha! moment, God wants and will heal us but in his time. Sometimes the Lord wants to teach us patience so he is not going to give us instant gratification because what would that do for us. We have to endure and perservere through our trials until God gives us our answers.
Patience is harder for some people than others...and the media telling us we need everything now and just put it on a credit card doesn't help any. We need to learn that the Lord knows what we want and He wants to give it to us but we have to be patient until he is ready to give it to us!
Gal. 5:22-23- But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, PATIENCE, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things here there is no law.
Being patient is one of the hardest things I think we as humans (let alone Americans) understand. Webster defines patience as enduring pain or trouble without complaining, calmly tolerating delay, and perserverance. Our parents drill this into us as kids but what stops us as adults from having patience? I think it is instant gratification.
Craig and I have had this very annoying cough all week long. So annoying that we have not had a peaceful nights sleep since last weekend! We have been praying for a week for us to be healed so we can sleep and get better. Well, last night I had an aha! moment, God wants and will heal us but in his time. Sometimes the Lord wants to teach us patience so he is not going to give us instant gratification because what would that do for us. We have to endure and perservere through our trials until God gives us our answers.
Patience is harder for some people than others...and the media telling us we need everything now and just put it on a credit card doesn't help any. We need to learn that the Lord knows what we want and He wants to give it to us but we have to be patient until he is ready to give it to us!
Gal. 5:22-23- But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, PATIENCE, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things here there is no law.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Challenge Friday!
I decided that Fridays would be called Challenge Fridays! I am going to write Food for Thought and you can either take the challenge or just think about it.
As mom's we are constantly being pulled in a thousand different directions. Our job never ends from the time we get up till the time we go to bed. We hardly ever get time for ourselves to do things that make us happy or to pursue our passions.
Since Silena has gone to school and we don't have other children(yet), I get everyday from 7:45 till 3 to myself. It not only allows me to get things done but to pursue my passions. Now, obviously, not everyone has this luxury..and believe me, I understand it is luxury and heaven:) I get to read everyday and I get to write which I absolutely love. I feel like I am teaching others the lessons that have been taught to me and teaching is certainly another passion of mine, along with reading and writing.
My challenge: Take this week to pursue your passion! And if you don't know what it is, then pursue a whole bunch of things! Even if it is just 15 minutes a day...take some time for yourself. See what it does to your peace of mind...find yourself again!
If you decide to do it, let me know so I can pray for you this week! And let me know how it changes you!
Have fun pursuing your challenges!
As mom's we are constantly being pulled in a thousand different directions. Our job never ends from the time we get up till the time we go to bed. We hardly ever get time for ourselves to do things that make us happy or to pursue our passions.
Since Silena has gone to school and we don't have other children(yet), I get everyday from 7:45 till 3 to myself. It not only allows me to get things done but to pursue my passions. Now, obviously, not everyone has this luxury..and believe me, I understand it is luxury and heaven:) I get to read everyday and I get to write which I absolutely love. I feel like I am teaching others the lessons that have been taught to me and teaching is certainly another passion of mine, along with reading and writing.
My challenge: Take this week to pursue your passion! And if you don't know what it is, then pursue a whole bunch of things! Even if it is just 15 minutes a day...take some time for yourself. See what it does to your peace of mind...find yourself again!
If you decide to do it, let me know so I can pray for you this week! And let me know how it changes you!
Have fun pursuing your challenges!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Some are like family
God gave us each a family...whether your family was good or not so good, we each have one. We learn good and bad habits, good and bad lessons, how to act or not to act. Memories and traditions are created and either passed on or forgotten. Despite our childhood, whether a good example or not, some of our greatest lessons can be learned from our friends.
I have always had a lot of friends. Actually I kept the same friends from junior high through high school graduation. As life goes, we have gone our separate ways...but still in keep in touch through facebook. I went to college and made some great friends who taught me how to be independent. They taught me I didn't need to call home and ask permission to do something. They also taught me that I was in charge of my own life and that every decision I made from now on(whether good or bad) was going to effect my life. I was also very shy when I went to college...yep, I know, it's hard to believe! Well, it was very hard to play shy with these friends. They refused to let me live in a bubble..which I am very grateful for!
As soon as I moved home I lost those friends except one who I still stay in touch with. My most meaningful friendships have been the ones I have made since I have gotten married. They are the friends that have stuck by me and believed in me.
One friendship in particular has challenged me in ways I thought I wasn't ready for! God has used this friend to teach me to spend more time with my family, more time with God and to depend on myself to do things and never make excuses. God has also shown me that you can have a best friend and not see or talk to each other all week and when you see them's like no time has past at all! The best thing God has taught me through this friendship is no matter what you disagree on as long as God is the foundation of your friendship that he will make it grow and make the bond stronger.
Lesson: Even though our families are the first examples of love and truth, sometimes God will use your closest friends to teach you some important life lessons!
To my best friend: Thank you and I will always value the lessons God has taught me through you...I love you:)
I have always had a lot of friends. Actually I kept the same friends from junior high through high school graduation. As life goes, we have gone our separate ways...but still in keep in touch through facebook. I went to college and made some great friends who taught me how to be independent. They taught me I didn't need to call home and ask permission to do something. They also taught me that I was in charge of my own life and that every decision I made from now on(whether good or bad) was going to effect my life. I was also very shy when I went to college...yep, I know, it's hard to believe! Well, it was very hard to play shy with these friends. They refused to let me live in a bubble..which I am very grateful for!
As soon as I moved home I lost those friends except one who I still stay in touch with. My most meaningful friendships have been the ones I have made since I have gotten married. They are the friends that have stuck by me and believed in me.
One friendship in particular has challenged me in ways I thought I wasn't ready for! God has used this friend to teach me to spend more time with my family, more time with God and to depend on myself to do things and never make excuses. God has also shown me that you can have a best friend and not see or talk to each other all week and when you see them's like no time has past at all! The best thing God has taught me through this friendship is no matter what you disagree on as long as God is the foundation of your friendship that he will make it grow and make the bond stronger.
Lesson: Even though our families are the first examples of love and truth, sometimes God will use your closest friends to teach you some important life lessons!
To my best friend: Thank you and I will always value the lessons God has taught me through you...I love you:)
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Running the Race
As many people know I am a runner. I have been on and off my entire life but consistently for the last 4 years. I remember as a kid and teenager my dad dragging my brother and I out of bed on a saturday morning and making us get on our bikes and go with him! Of course, as a kid I disliked getting up that early in the morning but the quality time it gave me with my dad was worth it. I remember being a "sherpa" for my dad at his races and being there to cheer him on. So naturally when I started running regularly I knew I wanted to race as well. The adrenaline for me was the same as when I would get on stage and dance! I love it...
Over the summer my mother in law saw a duathlon being advertised (biking and running) and asked me if I wanted to do it. Which worked out perfect, she doesn't run and I don't bike! Well, it turned out my dad was off that weekend so him and my father in law were on a team and me and my mother in law were on one. We started off running really well, we finished our first leg in 18 minutes! Then our teammates took off biking and when they got back we took off for our second 2 mile run. The first 2 mile run I ran with my dad but the second one I was on my own as my father in law got back from biking first. As I was running(without music) I said okay's just you and me. So I started asking God to quiz me on scripture to keep my mind on him and not how far I had to run. Finally I remembered the verse in Isaiah..I will run and not grow weary, I will walk and not faint. Well, of course that was perfect. As I approached the last mile and my legs decided they had had enough(because we had an hour break in between each run) I said that verse over and over. Everytime I was tired "my father" allowed me to pass another runner to reenergize me! I finished in 22 minutes!
Lesson: When we think we are tired and weary and can't take anymore our Father is always there helping us to "pass someone or something" to reenergize us! And maybe when we are tired and weary that is our chance to spend some quality time with our Father.
Isaiah 40:30-31- Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint
Over the summer my mother in law saw a duathlon being advertised (biking and running) and asked me if I wanted to do it. Which worked out perfect, she doesn't run and I don't bike! Well, it turned out my dad was off that weekend so him and my father in law were on a team and me and my mother in law were on one. We started off running really well, we finished our first leg in 18 minutes! Then our teammates took off biking and when they got back we took off for our second 2 mile run. The first 2 mile run I ran with my dad but the second one I was on my own as my father in law got back from biking first. As I was running(without music) I said okay's just you and me. So I started asking God to quiz me on scripture to keep my mind on him and not how far I had to run. Finally I remembered the verse in Isaiah..I will run and not grow weary, I will walk and not faint. Well, of course that was perfect. As I approached the last mile and my legs decided they had had enough(because we had an hour break in between each run) I said that verse over and over. Everytime I was tired "my father" allowed me to pass another runner to reenergize me! I finished in 22 minutes!
Lesson: When we think we are tired and weary and can't take anymore our Father is always there helping us to "pass someone or something" to reenergize us! And maybe when we are tired and weary that is our chance to spend some quality time with our Father.
Isaiah 40:30-31- Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint
Saturday, October 1, 2011
My challenge for you's October 1st! Who can believe that? It is turning out to be a beautiful fall and gorgeous colors I might add:) Here is my challenge for us as we slowly start ending another year.
I don't know about you, but I love when people underestimate me! I had trouble in school and no one thought I would go to college. I did, loved it and graduated in 2005. People often think because I am so tiny that I must be weak. I have been told more than once in my aerobics class that I am a lot tougher than I look...hehehehe:) I am going to run a half marathon with my dad, in January, in Disneyworld. How long is that, is the first question I get. Once I answer the only response I get is...your crazy! When I tell people the newest challenge I am doing they are completely shocked...
I plan on reading the entire bible from cover to cover by Christmas. I found a bible that is entitled, Reading the bible in 90 days (or something like that). It lays out an entire schedule for you. It's a little intense but it's about 12 pages a day, I can read it in about 45 minutes. I started September 14 and I have made it through Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers! Let me tell you there are a few books that are very hard to get through but I pushed through them.
This is my challenge for you, to join me! I want to say I did it, and have people underestimate me! The bible is the most important book to Christians and how many of us take the time to actually read it. Most of the time we just read the scriptures that we need and that's it.
Think about do you want to finish 2011? Wouldn't it be cool if you could add reading the ENTIRE bible to your accomplishments this year.
Have a great Sunday! Talk to you on Monday:)
I don't know about you, but I love when people underestimate me! I had trouble in school and no one thought I would go to college. I did, loved it and graduated in 2005. People often think because I am so tiny that I must be weak. I have been told more than once in my aerobics class that I am a lot tougher than I look...hehehehe:) I am going to run a half marathon with my dad, in January, in Disneyworld. How long is that, is the first question I get. Once I answer the only response I get is...your crazy! When I tell people the newest challenge I am doing they are completely shocked...
I plan on reading the entire bible from cover to cover by Christmas. I found a bible that is entitled, Reading the bible in 90 days (or something like that). It lays out an entire schedule for you. It's a little intense but it's about 12 pages a day, I can read it in about 45 minutes. I started September 14 and I have made it through Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers! Let me tell you there are a few books that are very hard to get through but I pushed through them.
This is my challenge for you, to join me! I want to say I did it, and have people underestimate me! The bible is the most important book to Christians and how many of us take the time to actually read it. Most of the time we just read the scriptures that we need and that's it.
Think about do you want to finish 2011? Wouldn't it be cool if you could add reading the ENTIRE bible to your accomplishments this year.
Have a great Sunday! Talk to you on Monday:)
Thursday, September 29, 2011
We all have them
We all have them...chocolate, salty things, sweets, t.v., money...when it's that time of the month...anything and everything! The question is: Where do those cravings come from?
I have wondered that same thing for a long time...and why we have them. I did a devotion about 2 months ago entitled Craving God. In this book it talks about this exact thing and mostly relates it to food but I believe it can apply to any aspect of life that you "crave."
The definition of crave is this: to ask for earnestly or to long for eagerly. When we crave things, whatever it may be, it is a really strong indication that we are missing something and our body or spirit needs to be filled. We fill it at the time and the next day or hour even, the craving comes back and the whole cycle repeats itself. I used to have cravings for a lot of, facebook, people, money--anything that I thought would make those go away. Well, what if, we are actually craving God and HIS word?
When I started doing a daily bible study and started filling myself with God and his word my cravings for a lot of those things went away. I think cravings are God's way of trying to get our attention. I used a lot of my "cravings" as ways to not make me feel so lonely or to get a few minutes of adult interaction. What I found is now God is my company, every day, all day. He is the best interaction I could have! I still have the desire to watch t.v., hang out with friends or have the occasional junk food but now it's not because I am lonely it's because I just choose to do those things. God and HIS word are my fulfillment these days:)
Lesson: God is ALL we need to feel fulfilled. Cravings do not come from God, they come from a place of lonliness and longing for something that only HE can fulfill.
Psalm 20:1-5- May the Lord answer you when you are in distress; may the name of the God of Jacob protect you. May he send you help from the sanctuary and grant you support from Zion. May he remember all your sacrifices and accept your burnt offerings. May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. We will shout for joy when you are victorious and will lift up our banners in the name of our God. May the Lord grant all your requests.
I have wondered that same thing for a long time...and why we have them. I did a devotion about 2 months ago entitled Craving God. In this book it talks about this exact thing and mostly relates it to food but I believe it can apply to any aspect of life that you "crave."
The definition of crave is this: to ask for earnestly or to long for eagerly. When we crave things, whatever it may be, it is a really strong indication that we are missing something and our body or spirit needs to be filled. We fill it at the time and the next day or hour even, the craving comes back and the whole cycle repeats itself. I used to have cravings for a lot of, facebook, people, money--anything that I thought would make those go away. Well, what if, we are actually craving God and HIS word?
When I started doing a daily bible study and started filling myself with God and his word my cravings for a lot of those things went away. I think cravings are God's way of trying to get our attention. I used a lot of my "cravings" as ways to not make me feel so lonely or to get a few minutes of adult interaction. What I found is now God is my company, every day, all day. He is the best interaction I could have! I still have the desire to watch t.v., hang out with friends or have the occasional junk food but now it's not because I am lonely it's because I just choose to do those things. God and HIS word are my fulfillment these days:)
Lesson: God is ALL we need to feel fulfilled. Cravings do not come from God, they come from a place of lonliness and longing for something that only HE can fulfill.
Psalm 20:1-5- May the Lord answer you when you are in distress; may the name of the God of Jacob protect you. May he send you help from the sanctuary and grant you support from Zion. May he remember all your sacrifices and accept your burnt offerings. May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. We will shout for joy when you are victorious and will lift up our banners in the name of our God. May the Lord grant all your requests.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
No Excuses!
I decided to write from a coffee shop today. I am having lunch and sitting in the sun and enjoying probably what is going to be few and far in between. It's a gorgeous fall day...I have never enjoyed fall more! Does this sound familiar: I don't have time, I am too scared, That is too hard, That is out of my comfort zone, I don't feel like it...etc. etc.
We all make excuses for things that we don't want to do. Or we decide because it is a challenge not to even try. I was teaching my dance classes last night and I decided to teach my dancers the word perseverance...Try and try and never give up.
Is that what God wants us to do? Is too give up when things get too hard and challenging? We use excuses like they are some cure for a disease. If God challenges us at something then that means we can handle it and all we have to ask for is boldness and confidence from him to complete whatever he needs from us. What if the next thing he has for you(even if it's a challenge) could lead you to your dream job, but you decide it's too difficult and challenging to even try. God wants to give us what we want but we have to be willing to step out of our comfort zone and trust him! We also have to quit making excuses like we know ourselves better than God...there is no one in this world that knows us better!
That's it for today! Try going one day wihout making an excuse and just being honest with yourself as to why you decided not to try something. See what happens!
We all make excuses for things that we don't want to do. Or we decide because it is a challenge not to even try. I was teaching my dance classes last night and I decided to teach my dancers the word perseverance...Try and try and never give up.
Is that what God wants us to do? Is too give up when things get too hard and challenging? We use excuses like they are some cure for a disease. If God challenges us at something then that means we can handle it and all we have to ask for is boldness and confidence from him to complete whatever he needs from us. What if the next thing he has for you(even if it's a challenge) could lead you to your dream job, but you decide it's too difficult and challenging to even try. God wants to give us what we want but we have to be willing to step out of our comfort zone and trust him! We also have to quit making excuses like we know ourselves better than God...there is no one in this world that knows us better!
That's it for today! Try going one day wihout making an excuse and just being honest with yourself as to why you decided not to try something. See what happens!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Just Imagine!
Close your eyes for a minute: imagine you are a baby! You see your parents fighting, you get into a bad car accident and your not in a carseat, and evuantually your even maybe thrown out into a snow bank. Some of you had a time seeing that! Well, guess what? My daughter lived that!
My beautiful princess was taken from her birth mom at 6 months old and placed in a foster home with her mom(as her mom was underage as well). The foster mom tried working with her birthmom but because her mom was a teenager she basically had a very hard time even taking resposibility for Silena. Due to this Silena was moved again...don't lose count...this is move #2. And for some reason it worked out for 5-6 months and then she was moved again...move #3. The "Godwink" about where she was in the third house...was this house is a block away from where we live! The summer before she came with us her foster parents actually attended our church and Silena's godparents were friends with them. Well, you guessed it, she only made it in this home 5-6 months as well...move #4! The house she was in before us was excellent they took such good care of her, but because of their age they were ready to retire and not take care of a baby.
In the summer of 2007 our princess came to live with us! It has been a very hard road...times where she would literally throw tantrums ALL day long. As soon as she was done with one she would start another one. Craig and I had enough child experience to know that something wasn't we took her to a child psychologist. During these visits she was diagnosed as gifted! That meant that not only did we have normal 2-3 year old behavior, attachment and adoption isssues, but now we had the fact that she is very smart! Awesome! But God knows...
The behavior that we have seen I have NEVER seen in a child or experienced with any other child. She had so much anger built up that the only way she knew to express it was through action instead of words. She has destroyed her room a many times, I have been peed on, scratched, spit at, hit, pushed and kicked numerous times. Many days where I questioned and asked God if he really knew what he as doing!
I am not telling you this to get sympathy or for you to think Silena is a bad kid. She loves helping others, she is prayer warrior, and she has a huge heart! I am talking about this because I want people to realize what foster kids go through and how far they can come. She still has work to do but I am proud of how God has guided us in helping her to overcome what has happened so far.
Lesson: God gives us kids not only for us to teach and guide, but uses our kids to help HIM mold and shape us into better people as well!
My beautiful princess was taken from her birth mom at 6 months old and placed in a foster home with her mom(as her mom was underage as well). The foster mom tried working with her birthmom but because her mom was a teenager she basically had a very hard time even taking resposibility for Silena. Due to this Silena was moved again...don't lose count...this is move #2. And for some reason it worked out for 5-6 months and then she was moved again...move #3. The "Godwink" about where she was in the third house...was this house is a block away from where we live! The summer before she came with us her foster parents actually attended our church and Silena's godparents were friends with them. Well, you guessed it, she only made it in this home 5-6 months as well...move #4! The house she was in before us was excellent they took such good care of her, but because of their age they were ready to retire and not take care of a baby.
In the summer of 2007 our princess came to live with us! It has been a very hard road...times where she would literally throw tantrums ALL day long. As soon as she was done with one she would start another one. Craig and I had enough child experience to know that something wasn't we took her to a child psychologist. During these visits she was diagnosed as gifted! That meant that not only did we have normal 2-3 year old behavior, attachment and adoption isssues, but now we had the fact that she is very smart! Awesome! But God knows...
The behavior that we have seen I have NEVER seen in a child or experienced with any other child. She had so much anger built up that the only way she knew to express it was through action instead of words. She has destroyed her room a many times, I have been peed on, scratched, spit at, hit, pushed and kicked numerous times. Many days where I questioned and asked God if he really knew what he as doing!
I am not telling you this to get sympathy or for you to think Silena is a bad kid. She loves helping others, she is prayer warrior, and she has a huge heart! I am talking about this because I want people to realize what foster kids go through and how far they can come. She still has work to do but I am proud of how God has guided us in helping her to overcome what has happened so far.
Lesson: God gives us kids not only for us to teach and guide, but uses our kids to help HIM mold and shape us into better people as well!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
God's Plan Not Ours
I have had many dreams in my lifetime which have been accomplished: going to college, being in the Nutcracker, getting married, having my own house, becoming a teacher and adoption. However, there is one dream that has yet to be accomplished...can anyone guess?????
From the time I was little I have wanted to have my own biological children. The process of pregnancy, labor and babies have fascinated me since I can remember. I know those of you that have had children, given birth and been pregnant are probably thinking: it's really no big deal, you don't want it, and you have such a gorgeous body why would you want to ruin that! Well, after you have waited 7 years then you will understand why I want it so bad. The only thing I remember the day I got married besides the fact that I got to live with Craig for the rest of my life was this, now I can have babies whenever I want!
Craig and I waited about 8 months after we were married to start trying. We tried for about a year and a half and realized that being a young healthy couple there is no way it should have taken us this long. Well, after many doctor appointments the results were in...Craig had no sperm. What a shock for us. After sitting with that news for a couple weeks we looked into adoption and foster care. Foster care won out because of the costs of adoption...that's how we ended up with Silena:)
Around 5 months ago we met this natural hormone replacement doctor who heard our story and said he could help us by just boosting Craig's hormones. Can you imagine the excitement we felt as we told our friends and family? Now imagine the feeling of telling everybody...and many people thinking we were crazy for thinking it would work...and then not being pregnant yet!
This is a very hard place to be in! While every other women in my church is pregnant or have had a is a very lonely place. I know no one has meant to do it or say things but there have been points where I have gotten dirty looks, felt left out, and actually heard that some women have felt they couldn't relate to me because I have never had a newborn. Seriously? As a church body aren't we supposed to support each other and not leave people out because their christian walk isn't exactly like ours?
Lesson: I think that people forget as christians that we are here to follow God's plan! I have not been on birth control in 6 years...this was NOT our plan. As a follower of Christ it is our job to lean not on our own understanding, and to know that God will make this happen because he does it for other people...why wouldn't he do it for me?
Jer. 29:11- For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
From the time I was little I have wanted to have my own biological children. The process of pregnancy, labor and babies have fascinated me since I can remember. I know those of you that have had children, given birth and been pregnant are probably thinking: it's really no big deal, you don't want it, and you have such a gorgeous body why would you want to ruin that! Well, after you have waited 7 years then you will understand why I want it so bad. The only thing I remember the day I got married besides the fact that I got to live with Craig for the rest of my life was this, now I can have babies whenever I want!
Craig and I waited about 8 months after we were married to start trying. We tried for about a year and a half and realized that being a young healthy couple there is no way it should have taken us this long. Well, after many doctor appointments the results were in...Craig had no sperm. What a shock for us. After sitting with that news for a couple weeks we looked into adoption and foster care. Foster care won out because of the costs of adoption...that's how we ended up with Silena:)
Around 5 months ago we met this natural hormone replacement doctor who heard our story and said he could help us by just boosting Craig's hormones. Can you imagine the excitement we felt as we told our friends and family? Now imagine the feeling of telling everybody...and many people thinking we were crazy for thinking it would work...and then not being pregnant yet!
This is a very hard place to be in! While every other women in my church is pregnant or have had a is a very lonely place. I know no one has meant to do it or say things but there have been points where I have gotten dirty looks, felt left out, and actually heard that some women have felt they couldn't relate to me because I have never had a newborn. Seriously? As a church body aren't we supposed to support each other and not leave people out because their christian walk isn't exactly like ours?
Lesson: I think that people forget as christians that we are here to follow God's plan! I have not been on birth control in 6 years...this was NOT our plan. As a follower of Christ it is our job to lean not on our own understanding, and to know that God will make this happen because he does it for other people...why wouldn't he do it for me?
Jer. 29:11- For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
A Very Hard Decision!
I had decided when I was young I wanted to be a teacher. In a book called "School Years" that my mom kept for my brother and I, every year it would ask the question: "What do you want to be when you grow up?" My answer always, year to year, switched between a dancer and a teacher.
When I was a senior in high school it didn't surprise my parents when I told them I wanted to major in elementary education. But the thing was I also wanted to minor in dance and not many schools in the state offer that combination. I had about three to choose from: Stevens Point, Whitewater, and Milwaukee. Well, of course, being 17 my hometown college was OUT (but like any decent parents...mine pushed for that)! I had several people I knew that were down in Milwaukee and so that was my first choice. I applied to both Whitewater and Milwaukee and got into both, but for some reason my heart kept leaning toward Milwaukee. I started my paperwork and signed up for classes and dorms. By the time move in day approached all the people that I thought were going to be down in Milwaukee were not going to be there anymore. Oh, well, I thought good time to be on my own!
I had a fantastic time in Milwaukee and within about 2 months I had changed my major to Dance! It was then I decided I was going to combine two loves: teaching and dance. That was my favorite time of college were the years I spent there. I had made some great and trustworthy friends and had great experiences. After my freshman year I came home that summer and fell in love(I know, cliche). My sophomore year got harder because I was missing Craig so much and just felt we were supposed to be together. I came home for Thanksgiving and went to church. I don't think I have ever felt a tugging in my heart as much as I did that day, I felt I was too leave Milwaukee and finish my degree up here. I didn't know why...but that is what I knew I was supposed to do!
Well, then I had to go back to school and tell my friends! None, of my friends were christians at the time...a couple believed in God but it didn't go farther than that. As you can imagine when I told them I was moving home for God...yep, your right...didn't go over real well. I had learned so much while I was attending school there: independence, freedom, experiences. My friends were afraid I would forget it all.
I continued to stand on what I knew I had to do...I filled out applications, I auditioned for the dance program and prepared to move myself home. While feeling shuned from my friends.
As it turned out the enemy knew I had made the right decision and I DIDNT get into the dance program...I was actually 2nd on the waiting list. I had auditioned with a girl I grew up dancing with and she got in..but decided not to go! So that moved me up to 1st on the waiting list...and by the time my sophomore year in Milwaukee ended someone else decided not to pursue dance in Stevens Point. I started in the dance program in the fall of 2002 and graduated from UWSP in the spring of 2005 with a BA in Dance.
The summer I moved home a lot of things happened to prove to me I made the right decision: the church I am very involved still opened one month after I moved home, I went on my first missions the summer after, Craig and I got engaged, and the pastor's daughter at the church was a dancer so we started dancing during services. I wouldn't have been able to be involved in any of this had I stayed in Milwaukee!
Lesson: If God opens a door for have two choices: to walk through it and take a risk or avoid it!
Is. 40: 30-31- Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
When I was a senior in high school it didn't surprise my parents when I told them I wanted to major in elementary education. But the thing was I also wanted to minor in dance and not many schools in the state offer that combination. I had about three to choose from: Stevens Point, Whitewater, and Milwaukee. Well, of course, being 17 my hometown college was OUT (but like any decent parents...mine pushed for that)! I had several people I knew that were down in Milwaukee and so that was my first choice. I applied to both Whitewater and Milwaukee and got into both, but for some reason my heart kept leaning toward Milwaukee. I started my paperwork and signed up for classes and dorms. By the time move in day approached all the people that I thought were going to be down in Milwaukee were not going to be there anymore. Oh, well, I thought good time to be on my own!
I had a fantastic time in Milwaukee and within about 2 months I had changed my major to Dance! It was then I decided I was going to combine two loves: teaching and dance. That was my favorite time of college were the years I spent there. I had made some great and trustworthy friends and had great experiences. After my freshman year I came home that summer and fell in love(I know, cliche). My sophomore year got harder because I was missing Craig so much and just felt we were supposed to be together. I came home for Thanksgiving and went to church. I don't think I have ever felt a tugging in my heart as much as I did that day, I felt I was too leave Milwaukee and finish my degree up here. I didn't know why...but that is what I knew I was supposed to do!
Well, then I had to go back to school and tell my friends! None, of my friends were christians at the time...a couple believed in God but it didn't go farther than that. As you can imagine when I told them I was moving home for God...yep, your right...didn't go over real well. I had learned so much while I was attending school there: independence, freedom, experiences. My friends were afraid I would forget it all.
I continued to stand on what I knew I had to do...I filled out applications, I auditioned for the dance program and prepared to move myself home. While feeling shuned from my friends.
As it turned out the enemy knew I had made the right decision and I DIDNT get into the dance program...I was actually 2nd on the waiting list. I had auditioned with a girl I grew up dancing with and she got in..but decided not to go! So that moved me up to 1st on the waiting list...and by the time my sophomore year in Milwaukee ended someone else decided not to pursue dance in Stevens Point. I started in the dance program in the fall of 2002 and graduated from UWSP in the spring of 2005 with a BA in Dance.
The summer I moved home a lot of things happened to prove to me I made the right decision: the church I am very involved still opened one month after I moved home, I went on my first missions the summer after, Craig and I got engaged, and the pastor's daughter at the church was a dancer so we started dancing during services. I wouldn't have been able to be involved in any of this had I stayed in Milwaukee!
Lesson: If God opens a door for have two choices: to walk through it and take a risk or avoid it!
Is. 40: 30-31- Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Mothers Are
I didn't know what to post for today...but wouldn't you know it...somethings were said over the weekend in my extended family and God gave me exactly what I need to say!
Mothers are people who fight for their children because they know they are having difficulty in school.
Mothers are your number 1 cheerleader.
Mothers will sit through 4 performances of the Nutcracker just to make sure you have someone in the audience to watch you.
Mothers will admit when they have made mistakes, but proud of you when you overcome those mistakes!
Mothers would NEVER disown you, no matter what you have done.
Mothers may never forget, but they ALWAYS forgive.
Mothers would always question rumors about their children before choosing to believe them.
Mothers are there with you when you get the stomach flu in the middle of the night even when the smell makes them want to vomit themselves.
Mothers make sure to buy their granddaughter balloons when they are going to be gone for their birthday just to make sure they know they thought about them.
Mothers always support their children no matter the decision they make.
Mothers give their children the best gift of all: the love of Jesus Christ!
This is just something that needed to be said! I have learned about the things that were said about a very special person in my life. I am so glad that person chose to overcome and persevere beyond the things that were said. I love you and am proud to call you my mom!
Pro. 31: 26- She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
Pro. 31:28-30- Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: "Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all." Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Mothers are people who fight for their children because they know they are having difficulty in school.
Mothers are your number 1 cheerleader.
Mothers will sit through 4 performances of the Nutcracker just to make sure you have someone in the audience to watch you.
Mothers will admit when they have made mistakes, but proud of you when you overcome those mistakes!
Mothers would NEVER disown you, no matter what you have done.
Mothers may never forget, but they ALWAYS forgive.
Mothers would always question rumors about their children before choosing to believe them.
Mothers are there with you when you get the stomach flu in the middle of the night even when the smell makes them want to vomit themselves.
Mothers make sure to buy their granddaughter balloons when they are going to be gone for their birthday just to make sure they know they thought about them.
Mothers always support their children no matter the decision they make.
Mothers give their children the best gift of all: the love of Jesus Christ!
This is just something that needed to be said! I have learned about the things that were said about a very special person in my life. I am so glad that person chose to overcome and persevere beyond the things that were said. I love you and am proud to call you my mom!
Pro. 31: 26- She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
Pro. 31:28-30- Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: "Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all." Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Family Day!
Today, is Sunday so that means it is my family day! I will not be posting anything new today...but look for new stuff this week. I am really excited what the Lord is having me write, I really like writing.
Take the time to enjoy your day and your family...and don't forget to look for your Godwinks today:)
Talk to you tomorrow!
Take the time to enjoy your day and your family...and don't forget to look for your Godwinks today:)
Talk to you tomorrow!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
The Worst Call!
This post is a little late this morning...sorry, I like to sleep in on Saturdays! I hope you enjoy!
We had just celebrated our one year anniversary in the same hotel and room we had spent our wedding night in..enjoying the jacuzzi and eating the top layer of our wedding cake. My husband also planned to take us to a pizza restaurant because that is where we met, at a pizza place!
Well, a few weeks later I was doing the dishes in the middle of the afternoon when the phone rang. "Honey, there has been a really bad accident at work and I am in the emergency room." I threw the dish towel down and ran to my aunts house, she only lives a block away and she drove me to the hospital. On the way there I called his parents and my aunt and I prayed.
It took me a few days to fully understand what had happened: Craig and his company were building a storage unit complex. On this particular day they were putting tresses on, his boss and one coworker were standing on top of the walls and Craig was in the middle of the tresses. They were about half way done when the crane lifting the next tress snapped and the tress dropped creating a domino effect sending three out of four walls and all the tresses to the ground and guess who came down with the building? His boss and coworker jumped off as the building collapsed, but because it came down so quick Craig didn't have time to get down. By the time all was said and done, Craig landed on the bottom of tresses and three walls and on top of a concrete floor!
We got to the hospital and the doctors said they thought he had a broken leg, a broken back and a broken neck! I am still in complete shock at this point about what was happening. So the doctors did around 2-3 hours of testing: mri's, cat scans, blood work, and x-rays. Then they came back with the diagnosis...what did they find? NOTHING! Other than the fact that his blood pressure was obviously very high, they found no broken bones, or internal injuries. The only thing that was wrong was because of the tremendous amount of pressure that was on his legs he had to walk on crutches until his legs fully recovered. As we left the hospital that afternoon, hearing my husband scream in pain as the blood rushed back to his legs(because he had laid on a stretcher for 6 hours), I realized what a happy sound that was! At least my husband was alive to scream!
As for his boss and shattered his foot and the other one fractured his neck! My husband was on the bottom, of basically, a whole entire building but he ended up with no injuries...coincedence?????
Lesson: That no matter the situation God will always provide the help and protection we need.
Ps. 121:1-2-I lift up my eyes to the hills-where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.
We had just celebrated our one year anniversary in the same hotel and room we had spent our wedding night in..enjoying the jacuzzi and eating the top layer of our wedding cake. My husband also planned to take us to a pizza restaurant because that is where we met, at a pizza place!
Well, a few weeks later I was doing the dishes in the middle of the afternoon when the phone rang. "Honey, there has been a really bad accident at work and I am in the emergency room." I threw the dish towel down and ran to my aunts house, she only lives a block away and she drove me to the hospital. On the way there I called his parents and my aunt and I prayed.
It took me a few days to fully understand what had happened: Craig and his company were building a storage unit complex. On this particular day they were putting tresses on, his boss and one coworker were standing on top of the walls and Craig was in the middle of the tresses. They were about half way done when the crane lifting the next tress snapped and the tress dropped creating a domino effect sending three out of four walls and all the tresses to the ground and guess who came down with the building? His boss and coworker jumped off as the building collapsed, but because it came down so quick Craig didn't have time to get down. By the time all was said and done, Craig landed on the bottom of tresses and three walls and on top of a concrete floor!
We got to the hospital and the doctors said they thought he had a broken leg, a broken back and a broken neck! I am still in complete shock at this point about what was happening. So the doctors did around 2-3 hours of testing: mri's, cat scans, blood work, and x-rays. Then they came back with the diagnosis...what did they find? NOTHING! Other than the fact that his blood pressure was obviously very high, they found no broken bones, or internal injuries. The only thing that was wrong was because of the tremendous amount of pressure that was on his legs he had to walk on crutches until his legs fully recovered. As we left the hospital that afternoon, hearing my husband scream in pain as the blood rushed back to his legs(because he had laid on a stretcher for 6 hours), I realized what a happy sound that was! At least my husband was alive to scream!
As for his boss and shattered his foot and the other one fractured his neck! My husband was on the bottom, of basically, a whole entire building but he ended up with no injuries...coincedence?????
Lesson: That no matter the situation God will always provide the help and protection we need.
Ps. 121:1-2-I lift up my eyes to the hills-where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.
Friday, September 16, 2011
God's Vision for me!
From the time I can remember I have had a heart for adoption. Every time there was a show on t.v. about the subject I would be front and center. I even talked about adoption with Craig before we got married and he said we could adopt but after biological children. Well, that was our plan!
After about a year and a half of trying to conceive on our own we decided to go into foster care in hopes of adopting. Within, two weeks, of starting the classes we found out about a little girl. This little girl was 18 months old, biracial and was in need of a permanent home. They also said she might have some emotional issues because of her birth family. That's okay we said, God can take care of that.
I have had visions of what I wanted to happen in my life since I was a little girl. I wanted to go to college: graduated with a B.A. in 2005, I wanted to be married and have our first kid by the time I was 25: got married at 21 and we got our daughter when I was 24. I wanted to be in the Nutcracker: my first performance was December of 1997. There was also another significant vision that I can remember: I wanted a biracial little girl, I wanted to adopt and I wanted to save a child's life. But I certainly didn't know how I was going to do all that!
After the county looked at 10 different homes in the state that were qualified they decided because we DIDN'T have any other children then we could give Silena the time and attention that she needed. The thing is...counties don't look at people who don't have a foster license. We were only 2 weeks into a 4 week class. Coincedence?????
The first full weekend we had her for visitation was mother's day and the first official weekend she moved in was father's day. And between those visits she would cry every time she had to leave. I knew in my heart what it was doing to her and I could do nothing...but be patient.
We were told by the county: only refer to her as your foster daughter, don't get attached(too late)..this is a high risk placement. Which means they still had the choice to move her, however, our gut said she was ours. So we very quickly taught her that we were mama and daddy!
It took until the end of September to finalize termination of right with her birthparents. At this time she became in the legal custody of the state, however, we then got to proceed with adoption paperwork.
Silena Alexandra became our legal and precious daughter on December 20, 2007! And she just turned's so hard to believe that she has grown this much. I am in complete awe at the work God has done in her:)
Lesson: God always gives you the desires of your heart, just in his perfect timing!
Psalm 37:4- Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.
P.S. The other vision I have had since I was a child was giving birth to twins...uh oh!
After about a year and a half of trying to conceive on our own we decided to go into foster care in hopes of adopting. Within, two weeks, of starting the classes we found out about a little girl. This little girl was 18 months old, biracial and was in need of a permanent home. They also said she might have some emotional issues because of her birth family. That's okay we said, God can take care of that.
I have had visions of what I wanted to happen in my life since I was a little girl. I wanted to go to college: graduated with a B.A. in 2005, I wanted to be married and have our first kid by the time I was 25: got married at 21 and we got our daughter when I was 24. I wanted to be in the Nutcracker: my first performance was December of 1997. There was also another significant vision that I can remember: I wanted a biracial little girl, I wanted to adopt and I wanted to save a child's life. But I certainly didn't know how I was going to do all that!
After the county looked at 10 different homes in the state that were qualified they decided because we DIDN'T have any other children then we could give Silena the time and attention that she needed. The thing is...counties don't look at people who don't have a foster license. We were only 2 weeks into a 4 week class. Coincedence?????
The first full weekend we had her for visitation was mother's day and the first official weekend she moved in was father's day. And between those visits she would cry every time she had to leave. I knew in my heart what it was doing to her and I could do nothing...but be patient.
We were told by the county: only refer to her as your foster daughter, don't get attached(too late)..this is a high risk placement. Which means they still had the choice to move her, however, our gut said she was ours. So we very quickly taught her that we were mama and daddy!
It took until the end of September to finalize termination of right with her birthparents. At this time she became in the legal custody of the state, however, we then got to proceed with adoption paperwork.
Silena Alexandra became our legal and precious daughter on December 20, 2007! And she just turned's so hard to believe that she has grown this much. I am in complete awe at the work God has done in her:)
Lesson: God always gives you the desires of your heart, just in his perfect timing!
Psalm 37:4- Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.
P.S. The other vision I have had since I was a child was giving birth to twins...uh oh!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
This past weekend was hard for my family and I as we lost someone pretty awesome.
"Godwinks" as Squire Rushnell calls them in his book When God winks at you, are little coincidences or winks from God, letting you know He is there with you.
I got the news on Thursday afternoon that my grandma (mom's stepmom), had a brain aneryism the weekend before and things were not looking good. My mom called and said she leaving Friday morning to drive to Indiana to see her, and she was giving me the option of going. I was so mad...How dare my grandma not see me for 7 years and the first time I get to see her is on her death bed! I was furious. Then my husband came home...
He talked to me and basically told me I would highly regret it if I didn't go. So I prayed that God would give me a "wink" to let me know he was there. We get to South Bend, Indiana about 4 pm and the nurse comes in and says they were going to pull life support about 6pm. Boy, I'm glad I came, is my first thought. Shortly after this my aunt informs us that my grandma was very much ready to leave this earth. She had fought cancer twice and a stroke shortly before the anerysm. She had talked to my grandma some weeks before and my grandma had told her that she made her peace with God. Now, I am not naive, I know that can mean any number of things but to me that is something I needed to hear. Something that told me I would see her again!
The next "wink" I got was that my aunt then told us that my grandpa's memory was going bad and he was having a lot of trouble remembering people and things. Well, not when I was there! He remembered the fact that my dad is a captain for a commercial airline, he asked how my husband was doing by name, he asked if I was still dancing, asked about my daughter and remembered the fact she was adopted and last...he remembered it was my mom's birthday!
My grandma passed away about 9:45pm Friday night...within 10 minutes of getting her wedding and cut off and went to see Jesus!
On the way back to my mom's mom's house my aunt had told me that "don't be surprised if next time grandpa doesn't remember anything!" My only thought was that I was not going to let her take my 2 moments from me that I needed at that time.
Here's the lesson: Don't let someone else take your "Godwink" moment. If you feel God has given you what you asked for then stand on it and don't let the enemy steal it from you!
James 4:7-Submit yourselves, then to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you!
Look for a Godwink today!
"Godwinks" as Squire Rushnell calls them in his book When God winks at you, are little coincidences or winks from God, letting you know He is there with you.
I got the news on Thursday afternoon that my grandma (mom's stepmom), had a brain aneryism the weekend before and things were not looking good. My mom called and said she leaving Friday morning to drive to Indiana to see her, and she was giving me the option of going. I was so mad...How dare my grandma not see me for 7 years and the first time I get to see her is on her death bed! I was furious. Then my husband came home...
He talked to me and basically told me I would highly regret it if I didn't go. So I prayed that God would give me a "wink" to let me know he was there. We get to South Bend, Indiana about 4 pm and the nurse comes in and says they were going to pull life support about 6pm. Boy, I'm glad I came, is my first thought. Shortly after this my aunt informs us that my grandma was very much ready to leave this earth. She had fought cancer twice and a stroke shortly before the anerysm. She had talked to my grandma some weeks before and my grandma had told her that she made her peace with God. Now, I am not naive, I know that can mean any number of things but to me that is something I needed to hear. Something that told me I would see her again!
The next "wink" I got was that my aunt then told us that my grandpa's memory was going bad and he was having a lot of trouble remembering people and things. Well, not when I was there! He remembered the fact that my dad is a captain for a commercial airline, he asked how my husband was doing by name, he asked if I was still dancing, asked about my daughter and remembered the fact she was adopted and last...he remembered it was my mom's birthday!
My grandma passed away about 9:45pm Friday night...within 10 minutes of getting her wedding and cut off and went to see Jesus!
On the way back to my mom's mom's house my aunt had told me that "don't be surprised if next time grandpa doesn't remember anything!" My only thought was that I was not going to let her take my 2 moments from me that I needed at that time.
Here's the lesson: Don't let someone else take your "Godwink" moment. If you feel God has given you what you asked for then stand on it and don't let the enemy steal it from you!
James 4:7-Submit yourselves, then to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you!
Look for a Godwink today!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
I started this blog months ago, but as I was doing it my heart wasn't in it and I just felt I wasn't giving it enough. So I stopped! About a month ago I was writing in my journal and just felt God put on my heart that I was supposed to share the lessons he has taught me. I said okay but how? Then once Silena started school, and I actually could my own thoughts, I heard him say I needed to write. And again I said okay how and where? I felt like he kind of gave me a "duh!"
So I am going to start posting (as often as I can) the lessons he has taught me and how I have grown because of them. I am calling them coffee you should be able to read them by the time you are done drinking a cup of coffee.
Look for the first one tomorrow morning:)
So I am going to start posting (as often as I can) the lessons he has taught me and how I have grown because of them. I am calling them coffee you should be able to read them by the time you are done drinking a cup of coffee.
Look for the first one tomorrow morning:)
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